My Family is my favourite sitcom ever. It’s done in a very intelligent way that suits my taste perfectly.
I rarely boast about something, but here I come: I have never spent so much money for my own entertainment before – I have bought a box with 22 My Family DVDs – complete series 1-11 plus 9 Christmas specials!
The synopsis from the cover of the first DVD is quite good:
“Ben, a dentist, and Susan, the worst cook in the world, are certainly loving, caring parents, they just have a problem showing it. Ben seems to be confused as to how much time and money his kids demand from him. Susan has to juggle motherhood, a career and a husband and does not have enough time to manage everything including improving her cooking skills. Nick is always working on his next hair-brained scheme to keep him amused. Janey, like any normal teenage daughter feels that her parents are seriously embarrassing whilst Michael keeps his head in his books to get away from the noise.”
The box has one HUGE advantage – it features English subtitles! They are labelled “English for the Hard of Hearing”, but they are perfect for a person like me – English is not my native language and I have trouble understand everything by ear. While watching the DVDs I can always read the subtitles and understand everything anyway. Perfect! From what I hear by ear I must say that the subtitles are done very well – there is hardly anything omitted.
This great sitcom is rather new (was broadcasted by BBC between 2000 and 2011), but there are no good examples of it on YouTube. The ones that are on YouTube are very short and seem strange because they are taken out of context. Moreover there are NO examples with English subtitles. This is why I have created an example by myself. I did it using my mobile phone, so the quality is bad, but at least you can see how lively My Family episodes are. Enjoy!
(Sunday, 13 July 2014)
PS. My film was blocked. I can't believe it! There are no samples of this great sitcom with subtitles, so I was doing the copyright owners a favour and they blocked it! Ridiculous.
PS2. I found the episode on the net, but it is without subtitles. Shame.
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