(Originally posted on Sunday, 3 November 2019; updated most recently on 13 August 2020)
The most recent updates are about The Last Jedi (I re-watched this movie because of my children) and about Solo (I watched it for the first time together with my daughter and we re-watched it several weeks later).
I had been thinking about making a list of my favourite Star Wars movies for some time and one thing made me finally do it – my daughter asked me how I ranked Rogue One among all Star Wars movies. She is 10 years old and she loves this movie. Well, she was shocked and very sad after watching it for the first time, but shortly afterwards she wanted to see it again! For her it was the first movie that showed her that during a war many good people die. In every other Star Wars movie most of the main good characters survive, but this is not the case in Rogue One.
There are many other things I love myself in the Rogue One, but there are also some things that I don't like, just like in any other Star Wars movie. This is why I decided to take a whole new approach while rating the Star Wars movies.
Base rating: 7/10
The whole Star Wars universe is simply fantastic and many good ideas are present in every Star Wars movies. To me the best universal thing in the series is the struggle between the light side and the dark side placed in a futuristic society. Obviously some general ideas aren't everything, so a movie has to be very good also in other aspects to get a perfect rating.
Interesting plot/characters/settings: maximum +3
Annoying plot/characters/settings: minimum -3
This way the overall maximum rating is 10.0 and the minimum overall rating is 4.0.
Please notice that for my rating purposes plot, characters and settings are NOT equal. For example if the plot is totally stupid, but the characters are great and the settings are great then the overall rating will MUCH lower than 8.0. On the other hand if the plot is great, but the characters are average and the settings are average then the overall rating will be MORE than 8.0.
As far as the plot is concerned I hate when some actions are based on stupid/illogical assumptions or conclusions. Sometimes I can accept/ignore some other illogicalities, but never when character's motives are concerned.
My favourite Star Wars movies:
1. Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (9.5/10)
The Empire Strikes Back is definitely the best Star Wars movie ever. All the characters are at their best and there are many iconic settings throughout the movie. Everything is almost perfect. I had already written about this awesome movie in this post (please read it too):
My top-10 favourite movies ever
By the way, not a single Star Wars movie got a maximum rating from me, because there are always some illogicalities. In The Empire Strikes Back the illogicalities are acceptable, hence the rating is almost perfect.
2. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (9.0/10)
Rogue One features a whole bunch of interesting characters who are different from any other Star Wars movie, which is VERY refreshing. Well, the characters are as they are mainly because the plot is as it is – the most appropriate word would be “gritty”. Gritty in a realistic way, known from our own world. For example secret agents sometimes have to blindly carry out orders of their commanders, doing all kinds of shady things, but they can still have their doubts. And regular soldiers sometimes have/want to take part in missions that are kind of suicidal, but theoretically may achieve some great goals.
On top of that, the settings in Rogue One are in my opinion some of the best in the whole series, mostly because they feel natural – the special effects do NOT dominate everything and the world still looks very interesting and alive. In this regard Rogue One is a masterpiece, on a par with The Empire Strikes Back.
Unfortunately the illogicalities are slightly more pronounced than in The Empire Strikes Back (but still within acceptable limits), hence the rating is “only” 9.0/10.
Below there is a great Rogue One tribute with very few spoilers. Actually, this tribute uses some scenes that didn't make it to the final cut of the movie, so it's even better (in a kind of twisted and confusing way).
3. Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (8.5/10)
The ending is VERY gripping, but without Rogue One the weakness of the Death Star is simply illogical and silly. There is also another plot aspect that I found VERY annoying – the Millennium Falcon was first captured by the Death Star's tractor beam, but later it was able to escape without any problems (at least from the tractor beam). Princess Leia suspects that the Death Star is tracking the Millennium Falcon (she says “That doesn't sound too hard. Besides, they let us go. It's the only explanation for the ease of our escape.”), but they still go to the hidden base on Yavin 4. Why? Either way, there is something very wrong with this plot moment.
4. Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens (8.0/10)
The Force Awakens is a modern-day version of A New Hope, almost as enjoyable. More importantly it was a breath of fresh air after the terrible prequel trilogy. The characters are interesting, the settings/visuals are very good, mostly because they feel natural, the action is good and there is even a direct mind duel (“Get out of my head!”) – a whole new thing in the Star Wars saga.
5. Star Wars: Episode VII – The Rise of Skywalker (8.0/10)
The Rise of Skywalker would be MUCH better if The Last Jedi didn't spoil every major plot aspect from The Force Awakens. It's a miracle that The Rise of Skywalker has a relatively coherent plot at all. Fortunately the illogicalities feel more like things in the background, because in the foreground there is a great struggle between the light side and the dark side experienced by the main characters. This aspect is done so well that it's comparable to the original trilogy!
Another thing that shines in The Rise of Skywalker, exactly like in The Force Awakens, is the love for the Star Wars universe. Most importantly, the characters are “treated in a fair way”, meaning that they behave in a way that suits them (unlike in the Last Jedi). There is also some classic good humour, similar to the original trilogy. Moreover there are some very cool settings with fitting atmosphere.
6. Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (7.5/10)
I hate the whole opening part of the Return of the Jedi – everything that happens on Tatooine. Luke Skywalker (already a Jedi) goes there without a lightsabre. Jabba can kill Luke twice, but instead he wants Luke to be eaten by monsters. Nobody reacts to the fact that Luke has free hands at the Sarlacc Pit (Han Solo and Chewie have their hands bound behind them). R2-D2 throws Luke's lightsabre at the Sarlacc Pit, but how could anybody assume that R2-D2 would be there at all? Boba Fett gets killed in a totally accidental and anticlimactic way. And how is it possible for Leia to strangle Jabba (with his VERY fat neck) to death? That is just one big moronic sequence.
Later the plot gets better, except for the f*ck*ng Ewocs, but the end fight is again moronic and anticlimactic – Vader throws the Emperor to his death into a very deep pit. But what would Vader do if they were in a room without any pit? I hate this ending.
7. Solo: A Star Wars Story (7.0/10)
After some terrible reviews I was hesitant to watch it, but this movie is actually quite good! By far the best thing is the characterisation and the acting. ALL the main characters (Tobias Beckett, Lando Calrissian, Dryden Vos, Han Solo and Qi'ra) are simply fantastic! They are very well portrayed, both in the script and by the actors! Respect!
I was so impressed by the characterisation that I checked who wrote the script: Jonathan Kasdan & Lawrence Kasdan. LAWRENCE KASDAN! This guy has also co-written scripts for The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens!
The plot is a mixed bag – there are some cool moments, but there are also some glaring illogicalities. The most striking ones (at least to me) were:
1. There is a big shipment of refined coaxium on the snowy planet, but later it is said that such big amounts of refined coaxium are hard to find “anywhere outside an Imperial vault”.
2. After the coaxium is destroyed Beckett says that they OWE Crimson Dawn 100 keys of refined coaxium, but that coaxium wasn't Crimson Dawn's property in the first place! Obviously stealing such big amount of coaxium should be very hard, so Crimson Dawn should hire more people to handle such a difficult task, right? And if a small team couldn't make it then it was not really their fault, right?
3. Solo could walk away because Dryden Vos doesn't know him at all, but he goes with Beckett to see Dryden Vos anyway. It's almost a suicide!
4. Solo loses a ship at the card game, but later Lando forgets about it completely. Moreover Lando should be very suspicious right after the end of their game – after he asks “Where's my VCX?” Solo answers: “I don't have it right here now. It's in the shop. I'm getting some work done.” It screams that Solo bet something he doesn't have. Doing something like this at gambling is almost a suicide too.
5. Beckett and Chewie free Millenium Falcon from “a fortified infraction restraint on the landing gear”. They can do it, but nobody else could do it for Lando? Really?
6. On Kessel Solo and Chewie get separated from Beckett and Qi'ra. Again it should be a suicide for all of them. Well for Solo and Chewie it should be rather a life sentence of mine slavery, but they are miraculously able to FREE themselves with such ease! Totally unbelievable – a Wookiee slave would be guarded MUCH more carefully for sure. And Beckett alone is able to kill all the guards in the operating room. Everything on Kessel goes MUCH too easily!
7. Solo flies blindly into the Akkadese Maelstrom before L3's “brain” is download into the Falcon's navicomputer. It was a sheer luck that they were not killed right away by random asteroids or random “carbonbergs the size of planets”. Moreover this “ground-breaking” Kessel Run in 12 parsecs was totally unrepeatable because at the end the way was closed shut behind them.
8. Solo is “drifting” inside the Akkadese Maelstrom on the surface of a big asteroid! Oh, please!
9. Right at the start of the final fight between Solo and Dryden Vos (after Beckett leaves with Chewie) Solo grabs a pistol and Vos grabs his “blades”. What is totally unexplainable is that Solo crouches behind some cover! WHY?????????? A pistol is a ranged weapon that can be fired instantly and Vos needs much more time to take a swing in order to throw his blade. Solo should instantly stand up and try to shoot Vos!
I have to comment on the L3 droid: Yes, this droid is extremely annoying BUT it has a female voice (not gay) AND it is strongly implied that nothing “happened” between “her” and Lando – L3 says: “I'm in the same situation.” (speaking about Solo and Qi'ra who weren't lovers) and “Sometimes, I think … Maybe. But, no. We're just not compatible.” I had read some reviews of this movie that in this regard were utter lies or over-interpretations. Well, Lando does have some feelings for “her”, but rather as a companion than as a lover. There is one thing in L3 that is actually ironic – some people hate “her” “message” of “equality for droids”, but “her” own annoying behaviour makes Lando roll his eyes. Do you see some parallels to our world? I do.
8. Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (6.5/10)
9. Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (6.0/10)
10. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (5.5/10)
All the movies in the prequel trilogy suffer from similar problems, so I describe them together. The lowest rating in the prequel trilogy comes from the biggest number of annoying things.
Most of the characters are uninteresting or outright annoying. Mostly it's all about bad plot combined with bad dialogues, but I also didn't like some casting decisions (I won't delve into that however).
Anakin Skywalker as a teenager and a young adult is VERY annoying to me. Whiny, yet overconfident and overambitious moron. He was a slave as a young boy, so he should understand that life is as it is much better than other (free) people. For the same reason he should be much more understanding of other people, considering especially that he has been trained by a Jedi since he was very young.
This is actually the main reason why I don't like the young Obi-Wan Kenobi – as Anakin Skywalker's mentor he does a very poor job. And why do the Jedi Council agree that such a young master, who only recently stopped being a padawan himself, will train Anakin? First they don't want to train Anakin at all, because they think that there was too much fear in him, but later they change their minds and let Obi-Wan Kenobi do it. A young master without any teaching experience is supposed to be a mentor to a very problematic young kid? What the hell were they thinking?!
I imagined the whole “going-to-the-dark-side” process in a totally different way – I imagined that Anakin Skywalker was in some way forced to go to the dark side, not went there by his own conscious decision. Slaughtering young children without any remorse is pathetic, very anticlimactic and kind of illogical. I hated it.
The most devastating scene to me, by far, is the duel over a river of lava. Oh, boy. The temperature of the air above the river of lava should be EXTREMELY high, so they should both burn/melt right away. I watched that scene with a total bewilderment. Bewilderment that anybody could come up with such an idea. Later I've read somewhere that there was a kind of shield from the machines with a “cooling effect” and that the Jedi themselves used the Force to protect from the high temperature, but such explanations are not convincing to me at all. The “cooling effect” was present only in the second part of the duel and the use of the Force was not “played out” by the characters/actors at all. If anybody wants to stick with the “use of the Force” explanation then it doesn't add up with the next problem with the prequel trilogy.
The Jedi are too easy to kill! If they are able to protect themselves from extremely high temperature thanks to the Force, then why don't they use the Force to such great success in other situations? For example why do they move so SLOW while fighting against much more numerous enemies? I hated especially the “big” fight in Attack of the Clones – all the Jedi should flee from the enemies in the blink of an eye, even while carrying Padmé Amidala on their shoulders – she is the only non-Jedi good person there. In The Phantom Menace there is a scene that clearly shows that the Jedi can move VERY fast when they want to. In Attack of the Clones the surviving Jedi are saved by the clones, but it should be the Jedi helping and protecting normal soldiers, not the other way round. This whole sequence doesn't make any sense to me.
Even more moronic scene, or rather several scenes, are the scenes after the Order 66 was issued – the Jedi are killed sooo easily. One of the Jedi is even killed by only a couple of enemies! A COUPLE of clones are able to kill a Jedi who can fight so well because he can sense what will happen in the very near future? Oh, please! By the way, it was NOT Anakin Skywalker who brought the balance to the force, but it were the clones carrying out the Order 66. What a joke!
Oh, wait! In Attack of the Clones there is a scene where Obi-Wan Kenobi is almost killed by a SINGLE normal person! Jango Fett may be cool, but he can't use the Force at all, so Obi-Wan Kenobi should be able to parry or avoid all his attacks with ease. Otherwise it would mean that a Jedi can be easily killed by other normal people with good enough equipment. This is not the way I imagined a powerful Jedi!
Overall the episodes II and III make Jedi look MUCH less powerful. In Rogue One it is shown what Darth Vader could do against normal people/soldiers and in the episode V (The Empire Strikes Back) Yoda says that the dark side is NOT stronger than the light side. Yes, Yoda also says that Jedi use the Force mostly for defense, but it is the lack of good defence of the Jedi that infuriates me in the episodes II and III.
The worst scene in the episode I is when Obi-Wan Kenobi kills Darth Maul. Darth Maul should be able to land a killing blow at least a couple of times but he just stands there like a moron watching Obi-Wan Kenobi “jump” over him. Obi-Wan Kenobi “jumps” using his ARMS, not his legs, so it is a less optimum “jump”. I hated this ending of their duel.
Another moronic scene is the podrace on Tatooin – Anakin Skywalker losses so much time at the start of the race that winning the race should be impossible. But no! He “catches up” with the leader and then they suddenly start to move with the same speed, even though a moment before Anakin was much faster. I hate this kind of screen-writing.
Finally, the visuals in the whole prequel trilogy are very artificial, which doesn't help these movies either.
I have to point out the brightest star of the whole prequel trilogy (at least to me): the character of Qui-Gon Jinn. THIS is how I imagine a true Jedi! An individual united with the Force, acting the way he feels is right, even when other wise Jedi think differently. An epitome of personal freedom possible only on the light side of the Force.
11. Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi (4.5/10)
I hate The Last Jedi so much that I'd rather watch The Phantom Menace over and over again than watch The Last Jedi even once again.
There are so many illogicalities, especially in the main plot, that this is definitely the worst Star Wars movie.
I have seen The Last Jedi only once (in the cinema, right after its release), so I can’t remember everything, but I do remember how devastated I was while leaving the cinema. I’ve hardly mentioned this movie ever since and I forgot almost everything from its plot. I had to watch some movie recaps on Youtube and many things came back to me (with even more pain), but some details I have lost forever. This is why my list of complains below is definitely not complete.
Here are the main things I hated in The Last Jedi with all my passion:
1. Leia Organa survives in space vacuum (outside a spaceship) without any spacesuit – I wouldn’t believe it even if she were a true Jedi. This is much worse than surviving over a river of lava! And she was NOT a trained Jedi! Update: Well, in The Rise of Skywalker (the LATER movie) it is shown that Leia Organa was actually a trained Jedi, but it's still illogical that she survived in space vacuum.
2. For MOST of the movie there is a ridiculous/illogical/moronic status quo – Rebel fleet is running away from the First Order fleet, but the main Rebel ship is low on fuel, so it can't get back into the hyperspace, yet the First Order fleet can't catch the Rebel fleet. Is the First Order fleet also low on fuel? Every single destroyer? Come on! Some of the destroyers should speed ahead (through hyperspace) and attack the Rebel fleet from the front. This ridiculously slow chase through space breaks the WHOLE movie!
3. The chase is so slow that it is possible for a small spaceship to go to a distant planet on a secret mission! Several Rebels go there in order to find a high-class code-breaker/hacker who can help them disable the tracking device on the First Order spaceship. They go there, they get caught, they spend some time in jail, they escape from the jail and they go back to the escaping Rebel fleet and the chase is still on! Oh, please!!!
4. The mission is actually a failure because the Rebels get caught before they are able to even speak with the chosen high-class code-breaker/hacker. But miraculously they get into the same jail cell as another high-class code-breaker/hacker! Again, please!!!
5. Rey and Kylo Ren communicate through the Force at insanely long distance, but nobody has ever done it before! Even the Emperor and Darth Vader communicated through electronic equipment!
6. What are the Jedi “holy books”?! They have never been mentioned in the previous SEVEN episodes! Luke Skywalker became a Jedi master without them! Besides, as a very old Jedi master, Luke should be aware that even a destruction of all holy books would not destroy the Force – it would not prevent anybody else from using the Force in the future.
7. The First Order ships can't detect the small escape transports that are leaving the main Rebel ship, but when the high-class code-breaker/hacker becomes a traitor and reveals the Rebel plan to the First Order, the First Order ships suddenly realise that they ARE able to detect the small escape transports that are leaving the main Rebel ship! Are you kidding me?! What is even worse (much worse) is that NOW the First Order ships suddenly are able to HIT the Rebels ships! They couldn't hit the Rebel main ship, but now are able to hit much smaller escape transport ships that move faster than the main Rebel ship! Again, are you kidding me?!
8. Snoke is killed in the most ridiculous way – I hate it even more than the death of the Emperor.
9. Finn wants to sacrifice himself to destroy the enemy siege cannon (I was looking forward to that because it would be gritty in an inspiring way), but Rose Tico prevents it! What is the point? She says something that makes no sense: “That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate. Saving what we love.” Doesn't she love all the Rebel people inside? This is exactly what Finn was trying to do – save people he loved. And how did they survive a crash at such a high speed anyway? Such a wasted scene.
10. Luke Skywalker can project his appearance through the Force at insanely long distance! This is MUCH worse than the mind communication at the same distance between Rey and Kylo Ren!
11. The remaining Rebel survivors escape on the Millennium Falcon, but the Millennium Falcon is a very small spaceship that can take only around 20 survivors. Even a single escape transport from the main Rebel ship must have had MUCH more people on board, so there HAD to be much more Rebels in the base than 20. What happened to them?
12. The last scene of the Last Jedi (on the Millennium Falcon) is as moronic as the rest of the movie – the people on board are almost happy and almost smiling, while they should be totally catatonic. Hundreds of Rebels died just hours ago, there are like 20 of them left alive and they are all but defeated, but they don't look like this at all.
I hate this movie (The Last Jedi) with all my passion. I will never watch it again. The Last Jedi is by far the worst Star Wars movie I have ever seen. BY FAR!
I re-watched The Last Jedi only because of my children. I didn't find anything “in-plus”, but now I can expand my list of complaints. I will describe them in a chronological order (more or less), so important plot aspects are mixed with minor but very annoying (or outright stupid) ones.
13. One fighter is able to destroy all the guns on a big spaceship, so bombers can launch an attack. I repeat ONE and ONLY fighter destroys ALL the guns on a big spaceship. Oh, PLEASE!!!
14. The movie fools the audience right from the start – after a while it turns out that the bomber attack was only “plan B”, just in case the Rebel evacuation was not quick enough. HOWEVER at the start of the movie it's ALL about clearing the way for the bombers!
15. The point 14 is only one of many scenes where the audience are fooled on purpose. Just watch the “GOTCHA!” part of the Youtube video below.
16. The High Order fighters are able to destroy Rebel bombers with ease. GOTCHA! You thought that destroying the guns was the hardest part, didn't you?
17. The bombs “work” in a moronic way – there is no gravity in space, so why do they fall down so quickly? Even if there is artificial gravity on spaceships then it should work only inside the spaceship, so the bombs would have very little time to accelerate! Immediately after reaching space (outside the bomber) they would travel with a CONSTANT speed that should be quite low in terms of space battles. And if spaceships could generate addition anti-gravity (outside the spaceships) to keep the bombs accelerating then the attacked spaceship could use the same technology to slow the bombs down. Or push them away. And who in space uses bombs instead of rocket missiles anyway?
18. Snoke is surprised after General Hux tells him that they can track Rebels in Hyperspace, but how such a powerful Sith master could be oblivious to what is going on among his own army? He can read minds of people with ease, right?
19. General Hux meets Snoke in person! Why??? It should be a waste of time because Snoke's spaceship was NOT present at the start of the movie. And even if Snoke's spaceship has just arrived then General Hux would still need some time to go by shuttle from his spaceship to Snoke's spaceship. Either way it should be a waste of time, right? Right. But when the Rebel spaceships go out of the hyperspace they are attacked almost instantly by the First Order spaceships, including Snoke's spaceship, so there was no time wasted, right? Right – there is something wrong with this plot sequence.
20. The character of Luke is treated in an outrageous and very offensive way. I hate Rian Johnson for what he had done to Luke. Luke is loathsome in several different ways, which is one of the most outrageous cases of treating a well established character in the history of the cinema! For example, even if Luke didn't want to take any part in the new Rebel he had no reason to be so RUDE. Please, compare old Luke to old Yoda (who had also failed in his own way) and tell me which character was more believable as an old Jedi master.
21. Kylo Ren destroys his helmet in a ridiculously easy way. Every helmet is round and very durable, so by using a helmet one could destroy a weak wall, not the other way round. And if a wall were very strong then Kylo Ren would sooner break his own arm rather than his helmet.
22. The degradation of Poe Dameron is annoying not only because the audience were fooled (see the point 14), but also because of what Leia Organa tells him:
“LEIA: You're demoted.
POE: What? Wait! We took down a dreadnought.
LEIA: At what cost?
POE: If you start an attack, you follow through.
LEIA: Poe, get your head out of your cockpit. There are things you can not solve... By jumping into an X-wing and blowing something up! I need you to learn that.
POE: There were heroes on that mission.
LEIA: Dead heroes. No leaders.”
So, Leia seems to think that winning a war can be done without losing soldiers. Really? Poe lost relatively few soldiers to take down a big dreadnought, so he actually did a good job as a leader. Not to mention that he made a good example by risking his own life to reach the goal. Moreover after all the guns were destroyed it would be a huge mistake to waste such an opportunity! Yes, Poe didn't obey Leia's order, but that order was VERY controversial! “Controversial” is the softest word I could find to describe what I think about it. What did Leia want the bombers to be used for? Bombing helpless daisies?
23. Leia not only survives in the space vacuum, but she also FLIES through space like a superwoman! Does she have some kind of engine in her ass?
24. When Leia reaches the destroyed bridge she flies to the inside door and she OPENS it!!! The bridge was destroyed, so there was space vacuum on her side of the door, which means that the air inside the rest of the spaceship would be sucked out, pushing her away AGAIN! Not to mention that Poe and other people inside would be sucked out too and would all die in the space vaccum! Oh GOD!!! Who wrote this script?! Well, we know who did it, so the better question is: who verified it?! And who accepted it?!
25. When Luke tells Rey about what happened between him and Kylo Ren he LIES. What's worse that lie is exaggerated by what is actually shown to the audience – Luke has free hands, but later it turns out that he had a lightsabre in his hand!
26. Luke wanted to kill a person (young Kylo Ren) who didn't do ANYTHING evil so far! His father (Vader) had killed (directly or indirectly) thousands of enemies (plus some of his own commanders) and Luke had still had faith that there was a good side in him!!! This plot aspect of The Last Jedi makes no sense, considering the original Star Wars trilogy.
27. Luke wanted to kill his sister's child! Kylo Ren was not just a person, but Leia's (and Solo's) son! A normal person wouldn't do it, so you don't even need the original Star Wars trilogy to see that there is something wrong with this plot aspect of The Last Jedi!
28. Why a guy being in prison (the high-class code-breaker/hacker) hadn't been stripped from his belongings? Especially the hacking belongings that later enabled him to get of the prison. And why he sleeps in a prison cell when he could actually go out whenever he wanted to? Oh, God. I'm already too tired of using exclamation marks. And there are so many complaints left.
29. There are too many women. I have nothing against women in the army, but seeing SO MANY women in a war film feels ridiculous! After the bridge is destroyed there are ONLY women as commanders: Leia (temporarily unconscious), Amilyn Holdo and Larma D'Acy (the one with a big nose). Well, I could live with that, BUT that's not it! One scene made me MAD – right after the medical frigate is destroyed (around in the middle of the movie) there are four operators shown sitting by electronic equipment and they are ALL women! Really? REALLY???
30. The behaviour of Luke is erratic (to say the least) – first he wants to burn the tree with some “holy” books inside, then he hesitates and when Yoda uses a lighting to burn the tree he gets angry. WTF?
31. Why did Yoda use a lighting – something connected with the dark side of the force?
32. Right before his death Snoke is saying words that are about to become false – he says that he “cannot be betrayed” and GOTCHA! Apparently Kylo Ren “hid” his true thoughts from Snoke, but it was never explained how Kylo Ren suddenly became stronger in the way of the Force than Snoke.
33. The attack on Snoke's spaceship is actually cool, BUT the fact that all main characters survive is definitely NOT cool. The worst thing is that Finn and Rose Tico were about to be executed with dozens of enemies very close by, but all these enemies disappear after the Snoke's spaceship is hit. Really?
34. I have to credit this complaint to my daughter (she was present when I was re-watching some scenes of The Last Jedi to make this update, so she added her own remarks). When Leia looks out of the base on Crait she is shown as standing completely alone right at the gate. She gives an order to close the gate, then some “crystal foxes” run into the base, then some First Order fighters are chasing Finn and Rose Tico who are flying in a small spaceship stolen from Snoke's spaceship and suddenly there are many other people near the closing gate. All these people appear out of nowhere. I have to second my daughter's complaint.
35. Why the layer of salt on Crait is so THIN and the earth underneath is RED? And why do the speeders have a kind of “leg” underneath. A “leg” touching the ground! It seems to me that the director wanted to have some “stunning” visuals at all costs. As usual at the cost of logic.
36. Remember the start of the movie when Poe didn't obey order when they were so close to their target? Now he gives a similarly moronic order himself! “It's a suicide run!” he also says to Finn, but what do they had to lose? Oh GOD!!! I have to quote Ellen Ripley here: “Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?”
37. The infamous “Rose Tico scene” is even more moronic than I registered the first time through. Right before that scene it is clearly seen that Rose is going in OPPOSITE direction than Finn! It is clear that she obeyed Poe's moronic order and that she is already travelling back towards the base because she turns her head to look back to see Finn continuing his attack, BUT soon after that she miraculously “catches up” with Finn to knock him off his path! What's worse she is flying on a trajectory almost at a right angle to Finn's! That means that she actually OVERTOOK Finn, otherwise she wouldn't cross his path! IMPOSSIBLE!!! Fucking impossible!!!
38. Luke's “Force projection” fight against Kylor Ren is obviously a purposeful “GOTCHA!”, but prior to that (when Luke speaks with Leia and when he gives her the playing dices from the Millennium Falcon) everything that is shown feels so real that in retrospect it's totally unbelievable.
39. When Poe realises that the “crystal foxes” are missing and wants to follow them Leia says to other people: “What are you looking at me for? Follow him.” Poe and several other people start to move, but Leia stands still as if she decided to stay put. But GOTCHA! Soon after that she appears to be following Poe herself. It seems to me that this “GOTCHA!” was not even made on purpose. Laughable. Unfortunately it's like laughing through tears.
40. When Luke is exhausted (after the “projection fight” against Kylo Ren) he falls down. He is clearly shown lying on the top of a rock, but almost immediately after that he is shown as climbing up to reach the top of the rock. No scenes continuity at all.
Forty complaints. FORTY!!! And all the complaints are pretty straightforward. I know that in every Star Wars movie there are some illogicalities, but in The Last Jedi there are so many of them that nothing can make me change my mind about it's “value”.
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