(Originally posted on Saturday, 31 October 2020, re-posted and updated on Saturday, 19 December 2020; updated most recnently on 31 December 2020)
The first part is the original post from 31 October 2020. Scroll down for UPDATES.
In a span of just 3 weeks the Polish government made 3 terrible political decisions that will never be forgotten by their supporters. Well, I should rather say by their former supporters, because many people, including me, will never vote for their political party again.
The Polish government, as a right-wing political party, started it by pushing through a very left-wing law about “protecting” animals. It angered many right-wing supporters, especially many farmers. Even some of their own political representatives voted against this law, but it went through with the support of the left-wing opposition! Strike one.
Soon after that the Polish government wanted to make a distraction by giving a green light to a very important Constitutional Tribunal's sentence concerning abortion. Some of their supporters, including me, actually liked this sentence, BUT it gave the left-wing opposition a very good reason for huge protests in the middle of a pandemic. What's worse some of the protests ended up in vandalism and the Polish government called their supporters to protect religious places and monuments! It was like a call for a civil war! Fortunately most of the their supporters refused to get provoked and the situation didn't get out of control. More importantly, the timing of the sentence was utterly cynical – some right-wing supporters have waited for a new law about abortion for several years, but the Polish government have stalled everything in this regard so far and now they (the government) are suddenly all about pro-life. Normal people are not idiots and don't get fooled like this! Strike two.
Yesterday, on Friday 30 October 2020, in the middle of the afternoon the Polish government announced that on Saturday (31 October), Sunday (1 November) and Monday (2 November) the cemeteries will be closed! These three days are the most important days for visiting cemeteries, especially 1 November. This year, because of pandemic, everybody, including priests, agreed that there would be no Holy Masses at cemeteries on 1 November and all the people were ready to spread their visits to the cemeteries on one of these three days. But no! The Polish government changed it in the last moment! Hundred thousands of people in Poland rushed to the cemeteries in the late afternoon or in the evening, in falling rain and in strong wind just because of this stupid last-minute decision! How many of these people will get sick not for Covid-19 but for a common cold? What's worse many other people will be devastated by the fact that they will have to visit cemeteries AFTER 2 November! Even worse, some people who earn money by selling candles and live flowers by the cemeteries were denied the biggest income in the whole year, which means HUGE losses for them! Such decisions should NEVER, even during a pandemic, be announced in the last-minute! Strike three.
I am wondering if I will get sick myself. I went to my Father's grave yesterday around 9 PM, just because I can't imagine lighting a candle on His grave AFTER 2 November. The rain was still falling and the wind was still strong. I had an umbrella, but the wind caused the rain to whip sidelong, so my shoes and my trousers got wet pretty quickly. Lighting 3 candles on my Father's grave took me much more time than it usually takes because of the falling rain and the strong wind. I stayed by His grave for a while and prayed. Later I bought 4 more candles and went to a different side of the cemetery to light them at places of special memory that I described here:
Why I hate Halloween
I risked my health to do what I wanted to do and I am proud of it. If I am to get sick, so be it. If I am to die, so be it. If I am to be crushed by a new world's government, so be it, but I will go down swinging! The Polish government lost all of my trust – they are not my government anymore. And there are many people, just like me, who will never forget them what they did in the span of the last 3 weeks! NEVER!
I have to re-post what I wrote earlier and add some new things:
The Polish government had earlier promised that if the number of new daily Covid-19 infections will stay within a particular number then there will be no new pandemic restriction. The current number of new daily Covid-19 infections is well below the given number, but the Polish government already made a decision about a notional lockdown! Strike four.
What's worse it seems to me that the Polish government is doing whatever they can to make as many people go bankrupt as possible. The winter tourists resorts were just getting ready to start the crucial part of the year (obviously with heavy pandemic restrictions) and now, again in the last minute, the Polish government decided that all ski slopes AND all hotels will be closed! Strike five.
The Polish government promise that the state will help everybody who is hurt by lockdowns and other restrictions financially, but this like a joke! Why? Because all this government help HAS to come from taxes paid by people and many people have trouble paying taxes (because of the lockdowns and other restrictions), so there is no fucking way that the Polish government will be able to finance everything! It means that the Polish government will have to take HUGE loans OR print empty money! It will be devastating for the future of ALL the people in Poland! Strike six.
The Polish government is clearly hiding something from the public, exactly like all the governments all over the world. They know IN ADVANCE that something will happen, as if they were carrying out a plan schemed by somebody else. But it means that they are only pawns in the hands of somebody else, not free and trustworthy politicians! Strike seven.
The Polish government keep repeating that the anti-Covid-19 vaccine is NOT obligatory, but the Polish soldiers were informed that if they don't voluntarily take the vaccine then they won't take part in any special courses and trainings sessions AND it will have an influence on their professional evaluation! Strike eight.
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