(Originally posted on Wednesday, 11 May 2022; updated on 8 June 2022)
I respect all the brave people who say or do what they think is correct. They can be from a minority, like the old-time scientists who realised that Earth is not in the middle of the Solar System. Or they can be from a majority, like people who are not salves – like people who live in a democratic country and who can make their own decisions and have their own opinions. Unfortunately we live in a totally fucked-up times when people from a majority are often afraid to say what they really think! Even in democratic countries!
Respect for all these people:
To be precise:
Respect for the kneeling footballers for not being afraid to kneel.
Respect for the standing footballers for not being afraid to stand.
Respect for the people who prepared the poster for not being afraid to point out (in a hilarious way) that (any) sport shouldn't be mixed with politics.
Respect for ALL of them!
And respect for Elon Musk:
I agree with Elon Musk, but in the last 15 years I've actually moved more to the right side and now I stand smiling (exactly like the conservative on the picture), while looking at the madness of the extreme left side (of the “woke progressive”). And at the confusion of people who used to regard themselves as neutral center – their confusion is similar to Elon Musk's confusion.
And respect for Kevin Sorbo.
I agree with Kevin Sorbo, although I must admit that in some cases abortion technically is not a murder because it's legal. But I agree with him 100% when looking at it from a different perspective – thinking about what is done to a human being who is totally innocent. It's exactly like a murder. And it's pathetic that so many people in the 21st century don't understand their sexual drive! Just think about it – the sexual drive doesn't exist before a person becomes able to procreate. It's ALL about spawning new generations, for crying out loud!
In March 2022 I've become a father for the third time and it was one of the best things that happened to me and to my family as a whole. Everybody's happy! My wife, our children, our mothers (grandmothers of our children) and all our more distant relatives. I have to point out that we didn't plan having the third baby because we are relatively old – this year (2022) I will turn 44 and my wife will turn 42. Yet we didn't think about abortion even for a split of a second!
Respect for all the people who disagree with the tweets above.
I don't agree with people who disagree with the tweets above, but I still respect them. Why? Because they are not afraid to publicly speak about things that are totally different from the natural way of life. Because they are not afraid to publicly speak about such things totally ignoring science, like genetics and evolution. They are really brave in their own way.
For example from the point of view of genetics an unborn baby is a unique human being RIGHT FROM THE START of pregnancy! Yet, they claim that abortion is all about woman's wishes as if she were the ONLY person involved. Ridiculous, but I respect them for not being afraid to say ridiculous things. Even rape is not a “good enough” reason for abortion – there are many heterosexual pairs who are infertile and who would be happy to adopt such a baby.
And I can't believe that some people say that homosexual pairs are “normal in every way”. If all the people in the world turned into homosexuals then the human species would die out! From the point of view of a member of a human species such a thing (dying out of human species) couldn't be considered normal, by definition. So, from this point of view (dying out of human species) homosexuals pairs are not normal in this very way! But I respect anybody who is not afraid to speak about it differently.
Summing up:
I agree with Elon Musk and I agree with Kevin Sorbo, but I don’t want to take away the right for other people to say opposite things, no matter how stupid they may seem from the scientific point of view. On the other hand many people who disagree with me, or with Elon Musk, or with Kevin Sorbo, seem to prefer a total censorship, which is simply pathetic.
Another great tweet from Sorbo:
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