(Originally posted on Friday, 7 August 2020; updated on 9 August 2020)
What could be seen on the Internet and other mass media from Wuhan was clearly pointing at the end of the world – burning bodies 24h/day and locking down whole blocks of flats full of people. Later it was Bergamo with horrifying numbers of coffins shown. And that's it. Unbelievable. Totally unbelievable. Just google Bergamo and see on the map that this city is very close to Mediolan – a city of 1.3 millions inhabitants! How is it possible that nothing major happened in Mediolan? HOW? Or a better question is this: What actually happened in Wuhan and in Bergamo?
Most people seem to go through this illness (Covid-19) the same way as through the common flu – without ANY symptoms. And more and more people claim that the numbers of deaths are blown out of proportion because Covid-19 is stated as the reason of death even when there were absolutely no symptoms of this illness. In other words a person who died because of ANOTHER illness is classified as a victim of Covid-19 just because he had a positive test result! Not to mention that nobody really knows if all these tests are believable at all. How can you be sure that a person is ill if he (or she) doesn't have any symptoms? Just because a test is positive? But how can you be sure that it wasn't a FALSE positive? HOW?!
For the reasons above more and more doctors raise questions about the medical qualification of governments' advisers. By the way: it seems to me that everybody was fooled by what happened in Wuhan and in Bergamo, including people who decided to use this “pandemic” to reach some other goals. I always understood the word “pandemic” as something very dangerous to a very big number of people. If Covid-19 is a “pandemic” then the common flu is also a “pandemic”, because EVERY year there is a new common flu virus who is dangerous to old people with other illnesses. The reasons to exclude the common flu from the definition of “pandemic” make absolutely no sense to me.
To make everything clear: the common sense screams at me that inhaling air that I have just exhaled is NOT healthy for me!
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