(Originally posted on Sunday, 11 October 2020)
What is more important: caring about old people's basic needs like food and their every-day hygiene or preventing them from a possible Covid-19 infection by leaving them starving (without food) and without people who help them with their hygiene? Of course the first thing is MUCH more important!
In my home city there is a nursing home care with 120 personnel tending to 170 old people. Recently 72 from the old people and 26 people from the personnel were tested positive for Covid-19. What's worse 59 people from the personnel were sent into quarantine, so 85 people out of 120 personnel were unavailable! Can you imagine what it meant to all these old people?
There is no way of hiring 85 people for a job like this in a very short time. No fucking way! Fortunately out of these 72 positive cases only one old person has died so far (in hospital), which actually proves that covid-19 isn't as dangerous as it is feared, even to old people. It seems to me that nowadays many old people in similar places die because of lack of proper care rather than from Covid-19!
How many?
1. How many people used to get a medical leave without having any symptoms of common flue? NONE.
2. How many doctors, anaesthesiologists, nurses and other health care personnel stay at home only because they were tested positive for Covid-19 without any symptoms? MORE AND MORE.
3. How many doctors, anaesthesiologists, nurses and other health care personnel stay at home only because they were quarantined without even a positive Covid-19 test? MORE AND MORE.
4. How many doctors, especially surgeons, waste their time NOT doing what they are specialised for? MORE AND MORE.
5. How many people, especially old people, missed a planned surgery just because of “preventing measures against Covid-19”? PLENTY.
6. How many people, especially old people, have much worse health care because of “preventing measures against Covid-19”? PLENTY.
7. How many Covid-19 deaths were confirmed by necropsy? HARDLY ANY.
8. How many Covid-19 deaths were deaths of people without ANY Covid-19 symptoms? HARD TO SAY.
9. How many old people will die in the near future because of all these things? HARD TO SAY.
10. How many old people were already hurt more by lack of proper care than by Covid-19? PLENTY.
Yep, it's old people's genocide. Ruthless old people's genocide.
PS. Well, there is a big danger not only to old people, but to all people. More and more doctors, anaesthesiologists, nurses and other health care personnel get quarantined without any symptoms of Covid-19 AND some of them don't come back! They are afraid that other people from their work will get soon quarantined and they will have to work for two or three people themselves! It's a vicious cycle because those who remain at work are more and more overworked and some of them will sooner or later leave their work too. This stupid quarantine for people without any symptoms may in the future lead to a situation where most doctors, anaesthesiologists, nurses and other health care personnel will be UNAVAILABLE! That would be not only old people's genocide, but ALL people's genocide.
PS2. Off-topic: to get fresh air in Poland you have to stay at home and open wide your windows. Whoever gets out of his or her home (into public space) has to wear a fucking face mask! Ridiculous!
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