(Originally posted on Sunday, 3 July 2016)
Saturday, 28 February 2015
“The freedom to be inoffensive is no freedom at all” – part 2
(Originally posted on Saturday, 1 May 2021)
As a reminder, please, watch the first Youtube video in this post:
“The freedom to be inoffensive is no freedom at all”
After watching it, you should enjoy the first video below without ANY reservations! It's FUNNY and sarcastic at the same time! And the ending fragment (“Michael Jordan is the GOAT. What? Nothing, I gotta go.”) is simply fantastic! Great job!
The second video is also fantastic, but it's quite long. My favourite fragment is this (at 7:22): “If ISIS started a streaming service you'd call your agent, wouldn't you? So if you do win an award tonight, don't use it as a platform to make a political speech, right. You're in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg. So, if you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent, and your God and fuck off, OK?”
As a reminder, please, watch the first Youtube video in this post:
“The freedom to be inoffensive is no freedom at all”
After watching it, you should enjoy the first video below without ANY reservations! It's FUNNY and sarcastic at the same time! And the ending fragment (“Michael Jordan is the GOAT. What? Nothing, I gotta go.”) is simply fantastic! Great job!
The second video is also fantastic, but it's quite long. My favourite fragment is this (at 7:22): “If ISIS started a streaming service you'd call your agent, wouldn't you? So if you do win an award tonight, don't use it as a platform to make a political speech, right. You're in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg. So, if you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent, and your God and fuck off, OK?”
Friday, 27 February 2015
System overload
(Originally posted on Sunday, 24 May 2020)
This is getting insane. Nowadays people have so much to remember and so many things to do that it is impossible to handle everything. When I started going to work 18 years ago my job was MUCH easier and much less stressful than it is today. The number of legal regulations has skyrocketed in the recent years. What’s worse the new legal regulations are so badly written that it is very hard to use them.
Instead of writing simple rules (or as simple as possible) the governments impose more and more needlessly complicated rules that can only be handled by true specialists. However, the number of workers doesn’t really change, so people who used to do a particular set of things are now forced to do many more things, which makes them much LESS specialized. A true specialist is a person who spends most of his time on a particular subject, so a person doing many different things is NOT a specialist by default.
Older workers use their experience gathered through many years, but young workers need to learn many things in a very short time and they are usually overwhelmed by the current work reality. However, when numerous totally new laws are introduced then the older workers are in trouble too, because their brains are not as “fresh” as when they were younger.
Even jobs that were easy not long ago suddenly become complicated. For example it seems to me that soon you will have to finish a collage to be able to handle duties of a garbage truck worker, really. No offence to garbage truck workers – I know that every single job is important to the well-being of the whole society and this is why I am so pissed that governments make it harder for everybody, but NOT for the producers of goods – the source of many problems. For example the vast majority of the producers of goods don't really care about recycling, but they still place a recycling sign on their products and say that everybody should be satisfied! It seems to me that many products can't really be recycled because they are made of different materials mixed in a very inconvenient way. Inconvenient for the recycling companies, garbage truck workers and normal people obligated to carry out the waste sorting, not for the producers of goods!
The current system is close to a total overload. It can be clearly seen by the rising number of people who suffer from depression or other mental disorders. Just think about it – how many more things to remember and to do are there now in comparison to the world that existed 200 years ago? In JUST 200 years our world has changed in such a HUGE way that most people can’t really handle it. And the new generations don’t “evolve” as quickly as the world around them, because 200 years is just a blink of an eye in the time-scale of the human species. Human mind, just like a human body, has it limits, obviously.
It's true that some things need to be regulated in a specialised way, but not all of them. Many “specialists” wouldn’t be “specialists” at all without all the needlessly complicated legal regulations. Right now this vicious cycle is true also for the private sector:
“The administration is growing to handle the challenges of the growing administration.”
My dream is that governments would spent one whole term/stint/tenure for simplifying existing legal regulations, also by disposing of the unneeded ones, without “inventing” any new “ground-breaking” ones. Our world is in dire need of governments listening to average people as well as true specialists, but not self-made “empty specialists”. Unfortunately our world is already so complicated that is very hard to objectively distinguish one from another.
This is getting insane. Nowadays people have so much to remember and so many things to do that it is impossible to handle everything. When I started going to work 18 years ago my job was MUCH easier and much less stressful than it is today. The number of legal regulations has skyrocketed in the recent years. What’s worse the new legal regulations are so badly written that it is very hard to use them.
Instead of writing simple rules (or as simple as possible) the governments impose more and more needlessly complicated rules that can only be handled by true specialists. However, the number of workers doesn’t really change, so people who used to do a particular set of things are now forced to do many more things, which makes them much LESS specialized. A true specialist is a person who spends most of his time on a particular subject, so a person doing many different things is NOT a specialist by default.
Older workers use their experience gathered through many years, but young workers need to learn many things in a very short time and they are usually overwhelmed by the current work reality. However, when numerous totally new laws are introduced then the older workers are in trouble too, because their brains are not as “fresh” as when they were younger.
Even jobs that were easy not long ago suddenly become complicated. For example it seems to me that soon you will have to finish a collage to be able to handle duties of a garbage truck worker, really. No offence to garbage truck workers – I know that every single job is important to the well-being of the whole society and this is why I am so pissed that governments make it harder for everybody, but NOT for the producers of goods – the source of many problems. For example the vast majority of the producers of goods don't really care about recycling, but they still place a recycling sign on their products and say that everybody should be satisfied! It seems to me that many products can't really be recycled because they are made of different materials mixed in a very inconvenient way. Inconvenient for the recycling companies, garbage truck workers and normal people obligated to carry out the waste sorting, not for the producers of goods!
The current system is close to a total overload. It can be clearly seen by the rising number of people who suffer from depression or other mental disorders. Just think about it – how many more things to remember and to do are there now in comparison to the world that existed 200 years ago? In JUST 200 years our world has changed in such a HUGE way that most people can’t really handle it. And the new generations don’t “evolve” as quickly as the world around them, because 200 years is just a blink of an eye in the time-scale of the human species. Human mind, just like a human body, has it limits, obviously.
It's true that some things need to be regulated in a specialised way, but not all of them. Many “specialists” wouldn’t be “specialists” at all without all the needlessly complicated legal regulations. Right now this vicious cycle is true also for the private sector:
“The administration is growing to handle the challenges of the growing administration.”
My dream is that governments would spent one whole term/stint/tenure for simplifying existing legal regulations, also by disposing of the unneeded ones, without “inventing” any new “ground-breaking” ones. Our world is in dire need of governments listening to average people as well as true specialists, but not self-made “empty specialists”. Unfortunately our world is already so complicated that is very hard to objectively distinguish one from another.
Thursday, 26 February 2015
What happened in Wuhan and in Bergamo?
(Originally posted on Friday, 7 August 2020; updated on 9 August 2020)
What could be seen on the Internet and other mass media from Wuhan was clearly pointing at the end of the world – burning bodies 24h/day and locking down whole blocks of flats full of people. Later it was Bergamo with horrifying numbers of coffins shown. And that's it. Unbelievable. Totally unbelievable. Just google Bergamo and see on the map that this city is very close to Mediolan – a city of 1.3 millions inhabitants! How is it possible that nothing major happened in Mediolan? HOW? Or a better question is this: What actually happened in Wuhan and in Bergamo?
Most people seem to go through this illness (Covid-19) the same way as through the common flu – without ANY symptoms. And more and more people claim that the numbers of deaths are blown out of proportion because Covid-19 is stated as the reason of death even when there were absolutely no symptoms of this illness. In other words a person who died because of ANOTHER illness is classified as a victim of Covid-19 just because he had a positive test result! Not to mention that nobody really knows if all these tests are believable at all. How can you be sure that a person is ill if he (or she) doesn't have any symptoms? Just because a test is positive? But how can you be sure that it wasn't a FALSE positive? HOW?!
For the reasons above more and more doctors raise questions about the medical qualification of governments' advisers. By the way: it seems to me that everybody was fooled by what happened in Wuhan and in Bergamo, including people who decided to use this “pandemic” to reach some other goals. I always understood the word “pandemic” as something very dangerous to a very big number of people. If Covid-19 is a “pandemic” then the common flu is also a “pandemic”, because EVERY year there is a new common flu virus who is dangerous to old people with other illnesses. The reasons to exclude the common flu from the definition of “pandemic” make absolutely no sense to me.
To make everything clear: the common sense screams at me that inhaling air that I have just exhaled is NOT healthy for me!
What could be seen on the Internet and other mass media from Wuhan was clearly pointing at the end of the world – burning bodies 24h/day and locking down whole blocks of flats full of people. Later it was Bergamo with horrifying numbers of coffins shown. And that's it. Unbelievable. Totally unbelievable. Just google Bergamo and see on the map that this city is very close to Mediolan – a city of 1.3 millions inhabitants! How is it possible that nothing major happened in Mediolan? HOW? Or a better question is this: What actually happened in Wuhan and in Bergamo?
Most people seem to go through this illness (Covid-19) the same way as through the common flu – without ANY symptoms. And more and more people claim that the numbers of deaths are blown out of proportion because Covid-19 is stated as the reason of death even when there were absolutely no symptoms of this illness. In other words a person who died because of ANOTHER illness is classified as a victim of Covid-19 just because he had a positive test result! Not to mention that nobody really knows if all these tests are believable at all. How can you be sure that a person is ill if he (or she) doesn't have any symptoms? Just because a test is positive? But how can you be sure that it wasn't a FALSE positive? HOW?!
For the reasons above more and more doctors raise questions about the medical qualification of governments' advisers. By the way: it seems to me that everybody was fooled by what happened in Wuhan and in Bergamo, including people who decided to use this “pandemic” to reach some other goals. I always understood the word “pandemic” as something very dangerous to a very big number of people. If Covid-19 is a “pandemic” then the common flu is also a “pandemic”, because EVERY year there is a new common flu virus who is dangerous to old people with other illnesses. The reasons to exclude the common flu from the definition of “pandemic” make absolutely no sense to me.
To make everything clear: the common sense screams at me that inhaling air that I have just exhaled is NOT healthy for me!
Old people's genocide
(Originally posted on Sunday, 11 October 2020)
What is more important: caring about old people's basic needs like food and their every-day hygiene or preventing them from a possible Covid-19 infection by leaving them starving (without food) and without people who help them with their hygiene? Of course the first thing is MUCH more important!
In my home city there is a nursing home care with 120 personnel tending to 170 old people. Recently 72 from the old people and 26 people from the personnel were tested positive for Covid-19. What's worse 59 people from the personnel were sent into quarantine, so 85 people out of 120 personnel were unavailable! Can you imagine what it meant to all these old people?
There is no way of hiring 85 people for a job like this in a very short time. No fucking way! Fortunately out of these 72 positive cases only one old person has died so far (in hospital), which actually proves that covid-19 isn't as dangerous as it is feared, even to old people. It seems to me that nowadays many old people in similar places die because of lack of proper care rather than from Covid-19!
How many?
1. How many people used to get a medical leave without having any symptoms of common flue? NONE.
2. How many doctors, anaesthesiologists, nurses and other health care personnel stay at home only because they were tested positive for Covid-19 without any symptoms? MORE AND MORE.
3. How many doctors, anaesthesiologists, nurses and other health care personnel stay at home only because they were quarantined without even a positive Covid-19 test? MORE AND MORE.
4. How many doctors, especially surgeons, waste their time NOT doing what they are specialised for? MORE AND MORE.
5. How many people, especially old people, missed a planned surgery just because of “preventing measures against Covid-19”? PLENTY.
6. How many people, especially old people, have much worse health care because of “preventing measures against Covid-19”? PLENTY.
7. How many Covid-19 deaths were confirmed by necropsy? HARDLY ANY.
8. How many Covid-19 deaths were deaths of people without ANY Covid-19 symptoms? HARD TO SAY.
9. How many old people will die in the near future because of all these things? HARD TO SAY.
10. How many old people were already hurt more by lack of proper care than by Covid-19? PLENTY.
Yep, it's old people's genocide. Ruthless old people's genocide.
PS. Well, there is a big danger not only to old people, but to all people. More and more doctors, anaesthesiologists, nurses and other health care personnel get quarantined without any symptoms of Covid-19 AND some of them don't come back! They are afraid that other people from their work will get soon quarantined and they will have to work for two or three people themselves! It's a vicious cycle because those who remain at work are more and more overworked and some of them will sooner or later leave their work too. This stupid quarantine for people without any symptoms may in the future lead to a situation where most doctors, anaesthesiologists, nurses and other health care personnel will be UNAVAILABLE! That would be not only old people's genocide, but ALL people's genocide.
PS2. Off-topic: to get fresh air in Poland you have to stay at home and open wide your windows. Whoever gets out of his or her home (into public space) has to wear a fucking face mask! Ridiculous!
What is more important: caring about old people's basic needs like food and their every-day hygiene or preventing them from a possible Covid-19 infection by leaving them starving (without food) and without people who help them with their hygiene? Of course the first thing is MUCH more important!
In my home city there is a nursing home care with 120 personnel tending to 170 old people. Recently 72 from the old people and 26 people from the personnel were tested positive for Covid-19. What's worse 59 people from the personnel were sent into quarantine, so 85 people out of 120 personnel were unavailable! Can you imagine what it meant to all these old people?
There is no way of hiring 85 people for a job like this in a very short time. No fucking way! Fortunately out of these 72 positive cases only one old person has died so far (in hospital), which actually proves that covid-19 isn't as dangerous as it is feared, even to old people. It seems to me that nowadays many old people in similar places die because of lack of proper care rather than from Covid-19!
How many?
1. How many people used to get a medical leave without having any symptoms of common flue? NONE.
2. How many doctors, anaesthesiologists, nurses and other health care personnel stay at home only because they were tested positive for Covid-19 without any symptoms? MORE AND MORE.
3. How many doctors, anaesthesiologists, nurses and other health care personnel stay at home only because they were quarantined without even a positive Covid-19 test? MORE AND MORE.
4. How many doctors, especially surgeons, waste their time NOT doing what they are specialised for? MORE AND MORE.
5. How many people, especially old people, missed a planned surgery just because of “preventing measures against Covid-19”? PLENTY.
6. How many people, especially old people, have much worse health care because of “preventing measures against Covid-19”? PLENTY.
7. How many Covid-19 deaths were confirmed by necropsy? HARDLY ANY.
8. How many Covid-19 deaths were deaths of people without ANY Covid-19 symptoms? HARD TO SAY.
9. How many old people will die in the near future because of all these things? HARD TO SAY.
10. How many old people were already hurt more by lack of proper care than by Covid-19? PLENTY.
Yep, it's old people's genocide. Ruthless old people's genocide.
PS. Well, there is a big danger not only to old people, but to all people. More and more doctors, anaesthesiologists, nurses and other health care personnel get quarantined without any symptoms of Covid-19 AND some of them don't come back! They are afraid that other people from their work will get soon quarantined and they will have to work for two or three people themselves! It's a vicious cycle because those who remain at work are more and more overworked and some of them will sooner or later leave their work too. This stupid quarantine for people without any symptoms may in the future lead to a situation where most doctors, anaesthesiologists, nurses and other health care personnel will be UNAVAILABLE! That would be not only old people's genocide, but ALL people's genocide.
PS2. Off-topic: to get fresh air in Poland you have to stay at home and open wide your windows. Whoever gets out of his or her home (into public space) has to wear a fucking face mask! Ridiculous!
The common flu died on Covid-19
(Originally posted on Thursday, 29 October 2020)
This year the common flu died on Covid-19. May it rest in peace.
This year the common flu died on Covid-19. May it rest in peace.
All truth – no misinformation
(Originally posted on Sunday, 12 September 2021)
I would like to analyse an Internet comment that was made to the question: “Do you intend to get your children vaccinated against Covid-19?” The comment was this:
“NO. It is unknown what side effect there will be after 5-10 years. There was no such vaccine so far and I don't care what side effects there are right away. I care what side effects there will be after several years and then one will be able to make an informed decision.”
1. “It is unknown what side effect there will be after 5-10 years.” TRUTH
2. “There was no such vaccine so far” TRUTH
3. “I don't care what side effects there are right away” PERSONAL OPINION that is NOT MISINFORMATION
4. “I care what side effects there will be after several years” PERSONAL OPINION that is NOT MISINFORMATION
5. “Then one will be able to make an informed decision” TRUTH
I can't believe that so many people claim that the anti-Covid-19 vaccines are safe without caring about possible side effects that may become pronounced only after several years! Totally unbelievable! What happened to the common sense?! Did it die on Covid-19?
Well, some “important people” already realised the mistake they were doing and that they could be scapegoated because of it later, so they already changed their rhetoric. Now they claim that “benefits outweigh the risk”, but this is still illogical! To properly assess the risk you have to know what can happen after several years! A short term risk is NOT the same as overall risk!
People will never forget the “important people” their rhetoric if the vaccines turn out to be harmful in the long run, especially to children and adult people without general health problems.
I would like to analyse an Internet comment that was made to the question: “Do you intend to get your children vaccinated against Covid-19?” The comment was this:
“NO. It is unknown what side effect there will be after 5-10 years. There was no such vaccine so far and I don't care what side effects there are right away. I care what side effects there will be after several years and then one will be able to make an informed decision.”
1. “It is unknown what side effect there will be after 5-10 years.” TRUTH
2. “There was no such vaccine so far” TRUTH
3. “I don't care what side effects there are right away” PERSONAL OPINION that is NOT MISINFORMATION
4. “I care what side effects there will be after several years” PERSONAL OPINION that is NOT MISINFORMATION
5. “Then one will be able to make an informed decision” TRUTH
I can't believe that so many people claim that the anti-Covid-19 vaccines are safe without caring about possible side effects that may become pronounced only after several years! Totally unbelievable! What happened to the common sense?! Did it die on Covid-19?
Well, some “important people” already realised the mistake they were doing and that they could be scapegoated because of it later, so they already changed their rhetoric. Now they claim that “benefits outweigh the risk”, but this is still illogical! To properly assess the risk you have to know what can happen after several years! A short term risk is NOT the same as overall risk!
People will never forget the “important people” their rhetoric if the vaccines turn out to be harmful in the long run, especially to children and adult people without general health problems.
Listen to this!
(Originally posted on Wednesday, 15 December 2021)
Listen to this!
Listen to this!
Rest of it here pic.twitter.com/BCfpU9kHAh
— Anna Brees (@BreesAnna) December 14, 2021
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
She's so pretty (and so right)
(Originally posted on Monday, 7 September 2020)
PS. Some people commenting on this video don't understand the difference between the word “native” and the word “indigenous”. It's not the same, especially when you refer to a particular nationality. She is clearly referring to the nationality of the citizens of the United States of America and the constitution of this country, not to the North America as a continent. A continent doesn't have a constitution! The lack of logic of some people is overwhelming.
If you still don't understand what I mean answer yourself these questions:
“What would you call a person who was born in Germany as a citizen of this country?” (native German)
“What would you call a person who was born in Canada as a citizen of this country?” (native Canadian)
“What would you call a person who was born in the United States of America as a citizen of this country?” (native American)
Interestingly, patriots (in any country) seem to be much more reasonable than people criticising them. Not to mention that a decent person would NEVER put in the mouth of ANYBODY something he didn't actually say.
PS. Some people commenting on this video don't understand the difference between the word “native” and the word “indigenous”. It's not the same, especially when you refer to a particular nationality. She is clearly referring to the nationality of the citizens of the United States of America and the constitution of this country, not to the North America as a continent. A continent doesn't have a constitution! The lack of logic of some people is overwhelming.
If you still don't understand what I mean answer yourself these questions:
“What would you call a person who was born in Germany as a citizen of this country?” (native German)
“What would you call a person who was born in Canada as a citizen of this country?” (native Canadian)
“What would you call a person who was born in the United States of America as a citizen of this country?” (native American)
Interestingly, patriots (in any country) seem to be much more reasonable than people criticising them. Not to mention that a decent person would NEVER put in the mouth of ANYBODY something he didn't actually say.
Monday, 23 February 2015
Sunday, 22 February 2015
I can't believe that the West has gone to hell like this!
(Originally posted on Saturday, 11 September 2021)
On this site:
I found this fragment:
“Students at (…) are not being taught to think. Rather, they are being trained to mimic the moral certainty of ideologues. Faculty and administrators have abdicated the university’s truth-seeking mission and instead drive intolerance of divergent beliefs and opinions. This has created a culture of offense where students are now afraid to speak openly and honestly.”
Similar things (students being afraid to say what they really think) were happening in Poland when Poland was still trapped behind the Iron Curtain. I can't believe that the West has gone to hell like this!
On this site:
I found this fragment:
“Students at (…) are not being taught to think. Rather, they are being trained to mimic the moral certainty of ideologues. Faculty and administrators have abdicated the university’s truth-seeking mission and instead drive intolerance of divergent beliefs and opinions. This has created a culture of offense where students are now afraid to speak openly and honestly.”
Similar things (students being afraid to say what they really think) were happening in Poland when Poland was still trapped behind the Iron Curtain. I can't believe that the West has gone to hell like this!
Saturday, 21 February 2015
(Originally posted on Wednesday, 1 March 2017)
There is one sentence that I have recently read that is sooo true:
“Remember that by admitting half of Africa to Europe we will not help Africa, but we will make Africa out of Europe.”
There is one sentence that I have recently read that is sooo true:
“Remember that by admitting half of Africa to Europe we will not help Africa, but we will make Africa out of Europe.”
Friday, 20 February 2015
The fall of logic = the fall of human culture
(Originally posted on Saturday, 13 October 2018)
I have recently learned that in some countries there are issued birth certificates that have nothing to do with logic. BIRTH CERTIFICATES!!! Such documents are one of the most important official documents in the whole world!
Do you know that it is possible to get a birth certificate where there is officially stated that a child has parents that are both women? How is it possible that such nonsense is written in an OFFICIAL document? Yes, it's nonsense because two women can't have a baby together, by definition. Nature's definition.
If such a lack of logic is accepted in official documents then the fall of human culture has already officially started.
I have recently learned that in some countries there are issued birth certificates that have nothing to do with logic. BIRTH CERTIFICATES!!! Such documents are one of the most important official documents in the whole world!
Do you know that it is possible to get a birth certificate where there is officially stated that a child has parents that are both women? How is it possible that such nonsense is written in an OFFICIAL document? Yes, it's nonsense because two women can't have a baby together, by definition. Nature's definition.
If such a lack of logic is accepted in official documents then the fall of human culture has already officially started.
Thursday, 19 February 2015
I was uplifted
(Originally posted on Sunday, 22 September 2019)
Sometimes I feel as if our world were falling apart. Sometimes I feel as if most people around the world were brainwashed. Sometimes I feel as if defending logic and common sense were pointless. And then I find on the net something that is very uplifting to me. Something that shows me that many other people think more or less like me. Something that shows me that I am not the only one who hates hypocrisy of any kind. And then I believe again that there is still good future for the humankind.
I hate hypocrisy of any kind, but I hate especially the hypocrisy of abortionists and it bothers me that so many people (young as well as old people) don’t even see it. Thankfully I found something that showed me that I am not the only one who hates it. This case is relatively old (from early 2018) but I hadn’t stumbled upon it before. In short: an abortionist posted a hypocritical and illogical tweet that was criticized by other people, so she later deleted that tweet and posted a new tweet where she tried to picture herself as a kind of “victim”, which was again a hypocrisy. And people commenting the new tweet pointed out all of her hypocrisy from BOTH tweets. I enjoyed it (pointing out the hypocrisy) so much that I started making screenshots. A screenshot after a screenshot, after a screenshot. In total I made 25 screenshots. I trimmed them to show you only the comments. Somewhere down below is a tweet by Janet that I find the most important one:
“As an adoptee, I take great offense that you would have ripped me apart as a fetus. I’m a daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother. I have many dear friends. I’ve been a teacher and school administrator. How dare you think you are doing anything noble or good!”
Some abortionist claim (hypocritically) that they “save lives” of women (by killing babies who have their own sets of genes), but many woman would chose the life of her baby over her own life. When my wife was pregnant she made me promise her that if I ever had to choose between her life and the life of our child (for example if she were unconscious and the doctors wanted me to decide what to do) then I would always choose the life of our baby over her life. Thankfully I didn’t have to make such a decision, but I know that it would be the correct decision – the new generation is always more important than the old generation because the new generation will be needed to spawn the following generation after some time (when the old generation will be too old to do it). Spawning new generations is actually the sense of life (any life). Unfortunately some heterosexual people can’t have babies even though they would like to – I feel very bad for such people. Some other people choose not to have children on purpose, but many of them, for example celibate priests, try to help other people (mostly people who have children) deal with this crazy “modern” world. Either way the main idea should be this: “Don’t have sex when you don’t want to have a child”. No contraception is perfect, so you have to be ready to step up when you achieve (also unintentionally) the real goal of sex.
I won’t name the abortionist – I blacked out her name/account and I even blacked out her avatar, so her face wouldn’t be on my blog. She later claimed that she was misunderstood because she wrote about an umbilical cord, but her explanation doesn’t make any sense to me – I myself cut the umbilical cords of my children (after they were born) and it didn’t stop them from screaming a healthy scream.
Sometimes I feel as if our world were falling apart. Sometimes I feel as if most people around the world were brainwashed. Sometimes I feel as if defending logic and common sense were pointless. And then I find on the net something that is very uplifting to me. Something that shows me that many other people think more or less like me. Something that shows me that I am not the only one who hates hypocrisy of any kind. And then I believe again that there is still good future for the humankind.
I hate hypocrisy of any kind, but I hate especially the hypocrisy of abortionists and it bothers me that so many people (young as well as old people) don’t even see it. Thankfully I found something that showed me that I am not the only one who hates it. This case is relatively old (from early 2018) but I hadn’t stumbled upon it before. In short: an abortionist posted a hypocritical and illogical tweet that was criticized by other people, so she later deleted that tweet and posted a new tweet where she tried to picture herself as a kind of “victim”, which was again a hypocrisy. And people commenting the new tweet pointed out all of her hypocrisy from BOTH tweets. I enjoyed it (pointing out the hypocrisy) so much that I started making screenshots. A screenshot after a screenshot, after a screenshot. In total I made 25 screenshots. I trimmed them to show you only the comments. Somewhere down below is a tweet by Janet that I find the most important one:
“As an adoptee, I take great offense that you would have ripped me apart as a fetus. I’m a daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother. I have many dear friends. I’ve been a teacher and school administrator. How dare you think you are doing anything noble or good!”
Some abortionist claim (hypocritically) that they “save lives” of women (by killing babies who have their own sets of genes), but many woman would chose the life of her baby over her own life. When my wife was pregnant she made me promise her that if I ever had to choose between her life and the life of our child (for example if she were unconscious and the doctors wanted me to decide what to do) then I would always choose the life of our baby over her life. Thankfully I didn’t have to make such a decision, but I know that it would be the correct decision – the new generation is always more important than the old generation because the new generation will be needed to spawn the following generation after some time (when the old generation will be too old to do it). Spawning new generations is actually the sense of life (any life). Unfortunately some heterosexual people can’t have babies even though they would like to – I feel very bad for such people. Some other people choose not to have children on purpose, but many of them, for example celibate priests, try to help other people (mostly people who have children) deal with this crazy “modern” world. Either way the main idea should be this: “Don’t have sex when you don’t want to have a child”. No contraception is perfect, so you have to be ready to step up when you achieve (also unintentionally) the real goal of sex.
I won’t name the abortionist – I blacked out her name/account and I even blacked out her avatar, so her face wouldn’t be on my blog. She later claimed that she was misunderstood because she wrote about an umbilical cord, but her explanation doesn’t make any sense to me – I myself cut the umbilical cords of my children (after they were born) and it didn’t stop them from screaming a healthy scream.
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
How long until such madness stops?
(Originally posted on Sunday, 29 September 2019)
In the article below there is one sentence that is the most important one to me (I fully agree with this opinion):
“The President of the American College of Pediatricians, Dr. Michelle Cretella, says encouraging transgender identity is child abuse.”
I can't believe that the mother of the boy is a paediatrician too.
Oh, man.
In the article below there is one sentence that is the most important one to me (I fully agree with this opinion):
“The President of the American College of Pediatricians, Dr. Michelle Cretella, says encouraging transgender identity is child abuse.”
I can't believe that the mother of the boy is a paediatrician too.
Oh, man.
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Who would be killed (off)?
(Originally posted on Thursday, 17 December 2020; updated on 25 Septmber 2021)
In the update I deleted almost entire post, but I left the very start and the very end (which has been a kind of warning).
Imagine that you are a madman who wants to reach some goals by (...)
(...) The crucial thing is to make all the important people believe that they are NOT on a suicide mission.
In the update I deleted almost entire post, but I left the very start and the very end (which has been a kind of warning).
Imagine that you are a madman who wants to reach some goals by (...)
(...) The crucial thing is to make all the important people believe that they are NOT on a suicide mission.
Monday, 16 February 2015
People will never forget them this
(Originally posted on Saturday, 31 October 2020, re-posted and updated on Saturday, 19 December 2020; updated most recnently on 31 December 2020)
The first part is the original post from 31 October 2020. Scroll down for UPDATES.
In a span of just 3 weeks the Polish government made 3 terrible political decisions that will never be forgotten by their supporters. Well, I should rather say by their former supporters, because many people, including me, will never vote for their political party again.
The Polish government, as a right-wing political party, started it by pushing through a very left-wing law about “protecting” animals. It angered many right-wing supporters, especially many farmers. Even some of their own political representatives voted against this law, but it went through with the support of the left-wing opposition! Strike one.
Soon after that the Polish government wanted to make a distraction by giving a green light to a very important Constitutional Tribunal's sentence concerning abortion. Some of their supporters, including me, actually liked this sentence, BUT it gave the left-wing opposition a very good reason for huge protests in the middle of a pandemic. What's worse some of the protests ended up in vandalism and the Polish government called their supporters to protect religious places and monuments! It was like a call for a civil war! Fortunately most of the their supporters refused to get provoked and the situation didn't get out of control. More importantly, the timing of the sentence was utterly cynical – some right-wing supporters have waited for a new law about abortion for several years, but the Polish government have stalled everything in this regard so far and now they (the government) are suddenly all about pro-life. Normal people are not idiots and don't get fooled like this! Strike two.
Yesterday, on Friday 30 October 2020, in the middle of the afternoon the Polish government announced that on Saturday (31 October), Sunday (1 November) and Monday (2 November) the cemeteries will be closed! These three days are the most important days for visiting cemeteries, especially 1 November. This year, because of pandemic, everybody, including priests, agreed that there would be no Holy Masses at cemeteries on 1 November and all the people were ready to spread their visits to the cemeteries on one of these three days. But no! The Polish government changed it in the last moment! Hundred thousands of people in Poland rushed to the cemeteries in the late afternoon or in the evening, in falling rain and in strong wind just because of this stupid last-minute decision! How many of these people will get sick not for Covid-19 but for a common cold? What's worse many other people will be devastated by the fact that they will have to visit cemeteries AFTER 2 November! Even worse, some people who earn money by selling candles and live flowers by the cemeteries were denied the biggest income in the whole year, which means HUGE losses for them! Such decisions should NEVER, even during a pandemic, be announced in the last-minute! Strike three.
I am wondering if I will get sick myself. I went to my Father's grave yesterday around 9 PM, just because I can't imagine lighting a candle on His grave AFTER 2 November. The rain was still falling and the wind was still strong. I had an umbrella, but the wind caused the rain to whip sidelong, so my shoes and my trousers got wet pretty quickly. Lighting 3 candles on my Father's grave took me much more time than it usually takes because of the falling rain and the strong wind. I stayed by His grave for a while and prayed. Later I bought 4 more candles and went to a different side of the cemetery to light them at places of special memory that I described here:
Why I hate Halloween
I risked my health to do what I wanted to do and I am proud of it. If I am to get sick, so be it. If I am to die, so be it. If I am to be crushed by a new world's government, so be it, but I will go down swinging! The Polish government lost all of my trust – they are not my government anymore. And there are many people, just like me, who will never forget them what they did in the span of the last 3 weeks! NEVER!
I have to re-post what I wrote earlier and add some new things:
The Polish government had earlier promised that if the number of new daily Covid-19 infections will stay within a particular number then there will be no new pandemic restriction. The current number of new daily Covid-19 infections is well below the given number, but the Polish government already made a decision about a notional lockdown! Strike four.
What's worse it seems to me that the Polish government is doing whatever they can to make as many people go bankrupt as possible. The winter tourists resorts were just getting ready to start the crucial part of the year (obviously with heavy pandemic restrictions) and now, again in the last minute, the Polish government decided that all ski slopes AND all hotels will be closed! Strike five.
The Polish government promise that the state will help everybody who is hurt by lockdowns and other restrictions financially, but this like a joke! Why? Because all this government help HAS to come from taxes paid by people and many people have trouble paying taxes (because of the lockdowns and other restrictions), so there is no fucking way that the Polish government will be able to finance everything! It means that the Polish government will have to take HUGE loans OR print empty money! It will be devastating for the future of ALL the people in Poland! Strike six.
The Polish government is clearly hiding something from the public, exactly like all the governments all over the world. They know IN ADVANCE that something will happen, as if they were carrying out a plan schemed by somebody else. But it means that they are only pawns in the hands of somebody else, not free and trustworthy politicians! Strike seven.
The Polish government keep repeating that the anti-Covid-19 vaccine is NOT obligatory, but the Polish soldiers were informed that if they don't voluntarily take the vaccine then they won't take part in any special courses and trainings sessions AND it will have an influence on their professional evaluation! Strike eight.
The first part is the original post from 31 October 2020. Scroll down for UPDATES.
In a span of just 3 weeks the Polish government made 3 terrible political decisions that will never be forgotten by their supporters. Well, I should rather say by their former supporters, because many people, including me, will never vote for their political party again.
The Polish government, as a right-wing political party, started it by pushing through a very left-wing law about “protecting” animals. It angered many right-wing supporters, especially many farmers. Even some of their own political representatives voted against this law, but it went through with the support of the left-wing opposition! Strike one.
Soon after that the Polish government wanted to make a distraction by giving a green light to a very important Constitutional Tribunal's sentence concerning abortion. Some of their supporters, including me, actually liked this sentence, BUT it gave the left-wing opposition a very good reason for huge protests in the middle of a pandemic. What's worse some of the protests ended up in vandalism and the Polish government called their supporters to protect religious places and monuments! It was like a call for a civil war! Fortunately most of the their supporters refused to get provoked and the situation didn't get out of control. More importantly, the timing of the sentence was utterly cynical – some right-wing supporters have waited for a new law about abortion for several years, but the Polish government have stalled everything in this regard so far and now they (the government) are suddenly all about pro-life. Normal people are not idiots and don't get fooled like this! Strike two.
Yesterday, on Friday 30 October 2020, in the middle of the afternoon the Polish government announced that on Saturday (31 October), Sunday (1 November) and Monday (2 November) the cemeteries will be closed! These three days are the most important days for visiting cemeteries, especially 1 November. This year, because of pandemic, everybody, including priests, agreed that there would be no Holy Masses at cemeteries on 1 November and all the people were ready to spread their visits to the cemeteries on one of these three days. But no! The Polish government changed it in the last moment! Hundred thousands of people in Poland rushed to the cemeteries in the late afternoon or in the evening, in falling rain and in strong wind just because of this stupid last-minute decision! How many of these people will get sick not for Covid-19 but for a common cold? What's worse many other people will be devastated by the fact that they will have to visit cemeteries AFTER 2 November! Even worse, some people who earn money by selling candles and live flowers by the cemeteries were denied the biggest income in the whole year, which means HUGE losses for them! Such decisions should NEVER, even during a pandemic, be announced in the last-minute! Strike three.
I am wondering if I will get sick myself. I went to my Father's grave yesterday around 9 PM, just because I can't imagine lighting a candle on His grave AFTER 2 November. The rain was still falling and the wind was still strong. I had an umbrella, but the wind caused the rain to whip sidelong, so my shoes and my trousers got wet pretty quickly. Lighting 3 candles on my Father's grave took me much more time than it usually takes because of the falling rain and the strong wind. I stayed by His grave for a while and prayed. Later I bought 4 more candles and went to a different side of the cemetery to light them at places of special memory that I described here:
Why I hate Halloween
I risked my health to do what I wanted to do and I am proud of it. If I am to get sick, so be it. If I am to die, so be it. If I am to be crushed by a new world's government, so be it, but I will go down swinging! The Polish government lost all of my trust – they are not my government anymore. And there are many people, just like me, who will never forget them what they did in the span of the last 3 weeks! NEVER!
I have to re-post what I wrote earlier and add some new things:
The Polish government had earlier promised that if the number of new daily Covid-19 infections will stay within a particular number then there will be no new pandemic restriction. The current number of new daily Covid-19 infections is well below the given number, but the Polish government already made a decision about a notional lockdown! Strike four.
What's worse it seems to me that the Polish government is doing whatever they can to make as many people go bankrupt as possible. The winter tourists resorts were just getting ready to start the crucial part of the year (obviously with heavy pandemic restrictions) and now, again in the last minute, the Polish government decided that all ski slopes AND all hotels will be closed! Strike five.
The Polish government promise that the state will help everybody who is hurt by lockdowns and other restrictions financially, but this like a joke! Why? Because all this government help HAS to come from taxes paid by people and many people have trouble paying taxes (because of the lockdowns and other restrictions), so there is no fucking way that the Polish government will be able to finance everything! It means that the Polish government will have to take HUGE loans OR print empty money! It will be devastating for the future of ALL the people in Poland! Strike six.
The Polish government is clearly hiding something from the public, exactly like all the governments all over the world. They know IN ADVANCE that something will happen, as if they were carrying out a plan schemed by somebody else. But it means that they are only pawns in the hands of somebody else, not free and trustworthy politicians! Strike seven.
The Polish government keep repeating that the anti-Covid-19 vaccine is NOT obligatory, but the Polish soldiers were informed that if they don't voluntarily take the vaccine then they won't take part in any special courses and trainings sessions AND it will have an influence on their professional evaluation! Strike eight.
Sunday, 15 February 2015
The right of women to kill their own babies
(Originally posted on Friday, 25 December 2020)
Some people claim that there is “the right of women to abortion”, which is a silly way of saying “the right of women to kill their own babies”. Thankfully there are people and governments who disagree with this claim.
“in no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning”
“the child… needs special safeguards and care… before as well as after birth”
“special measures of protection and assistance should be taken on behalf of all children, based on the principle of the best interest of the child”
“there is no international right to abortion, nor any international obligation on the part of States to finance or facilitate abortion, consistent with the long-standing international consensus that each nation has the sovereign right to implement programs and activities consistent with their laws and policies;”
Some people claim that there is “the right of women to abortion”, which is a silly way of saying “the right of women to kill their own babies”. Thankfully there are people and governments who disagree with this claim.
“in no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning”
“the child… needs special safeguards and care… before as well as after birth”
“special measures of protection and assistance should be taken on behalf of all children, based on the principle of the best interest of the child”
“there is no international right to abortion, nor any international obligation on the part of States to finance or facilitate abortion, consistent with the long-standing international consensus that each nation has the sovereign right to implement programs and activities consistent with their laws and policies;”
Saturday, 14 February 2015
I hate lack of logic
(Originally posted on Monday, 28 December 2020)
If a vaccine (ANY vaccine) is safe then the producer of the vaccine shouldn't be afraid of possible side effects of the vaccine, right? Right.
If a producer of a vaccine (ANY vaccine) doesn't want to take ANY responsibility for possible side effects of the vaccine then the producer of the vaccine is actually afraid of possible side effects of the vaccine, right? Right.
So, it's totally illogical when a person (ANY person) claims that a vaccine (ANY vaccine) is safe WHILE the producer of the vaccine doesn't take ANY responsibility for possible side effects of the vaccine, right? Right.
I hate lack of logic.
If a vaccine (ANY vaccine) is safe then the producer of the vaccine shouldn't be afraid of possible side effects of the vaccine, right? Right.
If a producer of a vaccine (ANY vaccine) doesn't want to take ANY responsibility for possible side effects of the vaccine then the producer of the vaccine is actually afraid of possible side effects of the vaccine, right? Right.
So, it's totally illogical when a person (ANY person) claims that a vaccine (ANY vaccine) is safe WHILE the producer of the vaccine doesn't take ANY responsibility for possible side effects of the vaccine, right? Right.
I hate lack of logic.
Friday, 13 February 2015
I'm one of them
(Originally posted on 13 January 2021)
I'm one of the super unhappy people Elon Musk tweeted about.
On this occasion I HAVE to post this hilarious meme based on the movie They Live (1988):
I'm one of the super unhappy people Elon Musk tweeted about.
On this occasion I HAVE to post this hilarious meme based on the movie They Live (1988):
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Who needs to be educated, really?
(Originally posted on Wednesday, 30 December 2020)
Today I found something on the net that … well … left me speechless.
A person was criticising the way people are encouraged to take the anti-Covid-19 vaccine and among other things he said that it will be hard to change people's attitude to the vaccine without putting an emphasis on education in this regard.
To me it sounded like this:
If you take a vaccine that was developed in a totally new technology and that was tested for just several months (instead of years) and despite the fact that the producer of the vaccine doesn't take ANY responsibility for possible side effects of the vaccine then you “are educated”, but if don't want to take this vaccine and raise questions about its extremely short time of development and testing, about long-term safety of the new technology and about the lack of responsibility of the producer for possible side effects of the vaccine then you “need to be educated”.
Really? REALLY?!
Today I found something on the net that … well … left me speechless.
A person was criticising the way people are encouraged to take the anti-Covid-19 vaccine and among other things he said that it will be hard to change people's attitude to the vaccine without putting an emphasis on education in this regard.
To me it sounded like this:
If you take a vaccine that was developed in a totally new technology and that was tested for just several months (instead of years) and despite the fact that the producer of the vaccine doesn't take ANY responsibility for possible side effects of the vaccine then you “are educated”, but if don't want to take this vaccine and raise questions about its extremely short time of development and testing, about long-term safety of the new technology and about the lack of responsibility of the producer for possible side effects of the vaccine then you “need to be educated”.
Really? REALLY?!
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
You control the debt, you control everything
(Originally posted on Sunday, 20 December 2020; updated on 26 December 2020)
This movie (The International) is from 2009, but quite topical today.
Two comments to this Youtube video:
“This whole Corona fear mongering has exactly the same end result. All the worlds governments went on a wild lending spree in the name of corona crisis management. Every new wave of infections they sell us is just a new excuse to lend more money. When all is said and done the world population would still be growing and everyone would be deeper in debt....”
“Covid lockdowns were used as a smoke screen for the debt bubbles that were going to burst. When governments debt spirals out of control because of this, governments will prostrate themselves to the bankers to get loans. The banks will impose severe austerity while scooping up public properties on the cheap. They'll scoop up private property too with so many people out of work, unable to pay their mortgages, or property tax”
I have just watched this movie for the first time and it's FANTASTIC! It's one of the best thrillers I have ever seen! You have to be very careful while watching it because the plot is quite complex, but overall it's very logical.
There are many things I LOVED in this movie, but I will point out only three:
1. The “banking scene” is incredibly eye-opening.
2. The mini-plot about a sniper is awesome, but avoid spoilers!
3. The shooting inside an art gallery is very non-Hollywood, mostly because you can almost feel “the fear of bullets”.
This movie (The International) is from 2009, but quite topical today.
Two comments to this Youtube video:
“This whole Corona fear mongering has exactly the same end result. All the worlds governments went on a wild lending spree in the name of corona crisis management. Every new wave of infections they sell us is just a new excuse to lend more money. When all is said and done the world population would still be growing and everyone would be deeper in debt....”
“Covid lockdowns were used as a smoke screen for the debt bubbles that were going to burst. When governments debt spirals out of control because of this, governments will prostrate themselves to the bankers to get loans. The banks will impose severe austerity while scooping up public properties on the cheap. They'll scoop up private property too with so many people out of work, unable to pay their mortgages, or property tax”
I have just watched this movie for the first time and it's FANTASTIC! It's one of the best thrillers I have ever seen! You have to be very careful while watching it because the plot is quite complex, but overall it's very logical.
There are many things I LOVED in this movie, but I will point out only three:
1. The “banking scene” is incredibly eye-opening.
2. The mini-plot about a sniper is awesome, but avoid spoilers!
3. The shooting inside an art gallery is very non-Hollywood, mostly because you can almost feel “the fear of bullets”.
Monday, 9 February 2015
Stupidest time in human history
(Originally posted on Monday, 4 January 2021)
I fully agree with the comment to the video below that “One day, this will be studied as the stupidest time in human history”. Amen to that!
PS.“Amen” means “Truly” or “So be it” and “Amen to that” means “That is true”.
Some other comments to the video above:
“Unbelievable. Stupidity has no limits.”
“OMG I laughed so hard at this. This is so moronic that it has to be written into a movie somewhere.”
“...and these incompetent fools are leaders in our Country... let that sink in...”
“I can’t believe the stupid I just watched.”
“Our country is being lead by a ship of fools.”
“A-men and a-women? WTF! How bigoted is he? What about A-trans? A-Non Binary, A-Pansexual, A-Gender fluid, etc? I mean if you dumbasses want to try to convince the world that there are more than 2 genders, at least try and be consistent!”
“hahahaha... what a joke !! the people of this country have totally lost their marbles !!!!!”
“These folks are either mentally ill or stupid, but most likely both.”
“The Democratic Party has become so fucking pathetic, I used to think it was funny but now it’s starting to really piss me off.”
“Freaking morons.”
“How stupid can one person be.... seriously...this guy is supposed to be a leader? Read, study and then , maybe then you can take the stand to speak in public.... What an idiot...”
I fully agree with the comment to the video below that “One day, this will be studied as the stupidest time in human history”. Amen to that!
PS.“Amen” means “Truly” or “So be it” and “Amen to that” means “That is true”.
Some other comments to the video above:
“Unbelievable. Stupidity has no limits.”
“OMG I laughed so hard at this. This is so moronic that it has to be written into a movie somewhere.”
“...and these incompetent fools are leaders in our Country... let that sink in...”
“I can’t believe the stupid I just watched.”
“Our country is being lead by a ship of fools.”
“A-men and a-women? WTF! How bigoted is he? What about A-trans? A-Non Binary, A-Pansexual, A-Gender fluid, etc? I mean if you dumbasses want to try to convince the world that there are more than 2 genders, at least try and be consistent!”
“hahahaha... what a joke !! the people of this country have totally lost their marbles !!!!!”
“These folks are either mentally ill or stupid, but most likely both.”
“The Democratic Party has become so fucking pathetic, I used to think it was funny but now it’s starting to really piss me off.”
“Freaking morons.”
“How stupid can one person be.... seriously...this guy is supposed to be a leader? Read, study and then , maybe then you can take the stand to speak in public.... What an idiot...”
Sunday, 8 February 2015
Should fear be your advisor?
(Originally posted on Monday, 19 April 2021)
Fear is something natural, but you cannot let fear rule over you, or else you will make bad decisions. Unfortunately today’s world is full of irrational fears.
1. Fear of having an average life.
Many people do some very stupid things trying to become famous. Most of them fail to become famous anyway and end up “broken” and/or “twisted”.
2. Fear of being not perfect.
Many people, especially women, have plastic surgeries to become “closer to perfection”. Many of them end up looking totally unnatural, so FARHTER away from “perfection”.
3. Fear of being criticised.
Many people become aggressive when they are criticised. Many of them even try impose a kind of censorship on people with different opinions.
4. Fear of telling the truth.
Being an honest and honourable person in today’s world is quite a challenge, but many people are still able to live their lives this very way.
During this pandemic of Covid-19, I would like to hear honest and LOGICAL answers to these questions:
4-1. Is there another reason for a surgeon to wear a face mask besides prevention of the WOUND from being accidentally spit into?
4-2. Did surgeons use to wear face masks while NOT operating (before the pandemic)?
4-3. Why the example of a surgeon is given when normal people are told that they HAVE to constantly wear face masks?
4-4. Which ani-Covid-19 vaccines are officially still in the final phase of testing?
4-5. How long will a vaccinated person be safe from Covid-19?
4-6. Why should a vaccinated person be afraid of unvaccinated people?
4-7. Should fear be your advisor?
Fear is something natural, but you cannot let fear rule over you, or else you will make bad decisions. Unfortunately today’s world is full of irrational fears.
1. Fear of having an average life.
Many people do some very stupid things trying to become famous. Most of them fail to become famous anyway and end up “broken” and/or “twisted”.
2. Fear of being not perfect.
Many people, especially women, have plastic surgeries to become “closer to perfection”. Many of them end up looking totally unnatural, so FARHTER away from “perfection”.
3. Fear of being criticised.
Many people become aggressive when they are criticised. Many of them even try impose a kind of censorship on people with different opinions.
4. Fear of telling the truth.
Being an honest and honourable person in today’s world is quite a challenge, but many people are still able to live their lives this very way.
During this pandemic of Covid-19, I would like to hear honest and LOGICAL answers to these questions:
4-1. Is there another reason for a surgeon to wear a face mask besides prevention of the WOUND from being accidentally spit into?
4-2. Did surgeons use to wear face masks while NOT operating (before the pandemic)?
4-3. Why the example of a surgeon is given when normal people are told that they HAVE to constantly wear face masks?
4-4. Which ani-Covid-19 vaccines are officially still in the final phase of testing?
4-5. How long will a vaccinated person be safe from Covid-19?
4-6. Why should a vaccinated person be afraid of unvaccinated people?
4-7. Should fear be your advisor?
Friday, 6 February 2015
Respect for Kyrie Irving!
(Originally posted on Saturday, 9 October 2021)
Kyrie Irving doesn't want to be vaccinated and he was ready to practice on his own and suddenly we get the news that the Brooklyn Nets have received permission for Kyrie Irving to participate in practices – the New York City has determined that the Nets' practice facility is a private office building and therefore exempt from their vaccine mandate.
Respect for Kyrie Irving! He is truly a free man and acts the way he wants to act! Please notice that there is no general obligation for getting a vaccine for example by people who are rich enough not to be working at all or by those who are so poor that they are homeless.
Kyrie Irving doesn't want to be vaccinated and he was ready to practice on his own and suddenly we get the news that the Brooklyn Nets have received permission for Kyrie Irving to participate in practices – the New York City has determined that the Nets' practice facility is a private office building and therefore exempt from their vaccine mandate.
Respect for Kyrie Irving! He is truly a free man and acts the way he wants to act! Please notice that there is no general obligation for getting a vaccine for example by people who are rich enough not to be working at all or by those who are so poor that they are homeless.