Wednesday, 29 December 2021
Matrix Resurrections – negative reviews are moronic
In the update I added some things at the end – I left my original post unchanged.
We (me and my daughter) have just come back from the cinema and I have to say this: all the negative reviews of the movie Matrix Resurrections are simply moronic! We both LOVED this movie, even though it was not perfect. My rating: 9/10.
There are so many negative reviews of this movie on the net that I was really hesitant to go to the cinema, so I feel the need to point out the most moronic and/or misleading ones:
1. “The special effects are weak”.
This is NOT true! The special effects are great, but they are used only when they are needed! In this regard it's similar to the great movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
2. “This is not an action movie, but a love story”.
This is NOT true! There is LOTS of good action! Moreover the action is very gripping, especially the “final showdown”! Nail-biting!
3. “The melee fighting is weak”.
This is NOT true! I enjoyed the melee fighting a lot! I think it's way better than the over-the-top melee fighting from the Matrix Revolutions.
4. “This is a feminist movie”.
This is NOT true! I despise some stupid feminist crap myself, but I had no trouble to watch this movie at all. I actually liked the fact that Trinity was as important as Neo – it shows that it takes two people of different sexes to “achieve the best results”.
5. “Wachowski wanted to explain plot holes from the original trilogy.”
This is NOT true! There are many references to the original trilogy, but the plot is all about a new story and it explains really well how it's all possible. The plot is actually quite ingenious and adds new ideas!
6. “It's similar to the movie Matrix (one)”.
This is NOT true! All the new ideas make it a whole different story! A great thought-provoking story!
7. “It breaks the 4th wall.”
This is NOT true! The fourth wall is a performance convention in which an invisible, imagined wall separates actors from the audience – while the audience can see through this "wall", the convention assumes the actors act as if they cannot. In the Matrix Resurrections the actors don't make any direct eye contact with the camera and all the references to the original trilogy are shown just as their dreams and/or memories (real ones or from a computer game that is a part of the story).
8. “It insults true Matrix fans.”
This is NOT true! It shows that some people over-react to something and/or over-interpret a fictional character and/or over-idealise a real person but it's NOT insulting. It's merely an observation – some people do such things in the real life! You do such things in the real life? Live with the consequences! I loved the original Matrix (the very first movie) and I didn't feel offended by the Matrix Resurrections at all.
9. “Jonathan Groff is weak as the agent Smith.”
This is NOT true! I really enjoyed how Jonathan Groff coped with this role. Maybe he wasn't perfect, but he did a really GOOD job!
I have no idea why the Matrix Resurrections gets such negative reviews. Maybe Wachowski has rubbed somebody the wrong way? But when? The one thing I know is that some “experienced reviewers” praise some very annoying movies (like the Last Jedi or the Ghostbusters 2016), but shit on some really enjoyable movies (like the The Rise of Skywalker or the Ghostbusters: Afterlife). It seems to me that after the “Last Jedi reviewing fiasco” the “experienced reviewers” are now backed by an army of “Internet people” who only pretend to be “standard movie-goers” and repeat all the crap the “experienced reviewers” are trying to force, so the “experienced reviewers” won't make idiots of themselves again. But I digress.
I have to point out my favourite actors in the Matrix Resurrections: Neil Patrick Harris and Jessica Henwick – I really enjoyed the way they played their roles! To me Neil Patrick Harris stole the whole movie!
Summing up:
I LOVED the movie Matrix Resurrections! My daughter loved this movie too! And I didn't hear anybody complaining among all the people who were leaving the cinema!
In the post above I wrote about negative reviews specifically with the misleading claims above, but also about negative reviews/ratings in general. I understand that personal reviews/ratings are by definition strongly subjective, but a rating of 1/10 means that there is NOTHING good in this movie, which is an utter nonsense. In case of Matrix Resurrections the ratings of 3/10 or below are simply pathetic. I rated one of my most hated movies – the Last Jedi 4.5/10. This is called objectivity. Yes, you have to retain some objectivity even in personal strongly subjective reviews/ratings.
I have to admit that I am surprised by the number or “medium ratings” (4/10, 5/10 and 6/10) – I can't believe that so many people can't appreciate Matrix Resurrections.
On the other hand I myself have always approached this series in a different way than most of the fans – I didn't watch the first Matrix in the cinema because in a trailer I saw some people running on walls and I said “pass”. I watched it only after some time in TV and I liked it a lot, but it wasn't because of special effects. The following 2 movies I watched in the cinema and each time I was walking out of the cinema more and more angry – in the simulation there was more and more fighting just for the sake of the fighting and/or for the sake of special effects (for example the fight of Neo against a horde of agents Smiths to me wasn't magnificent but just silly) and in the world outside of the simulation there were less and less cool and/or sensible things (I got angry especially by what was happening in Zion and by the fact that Neo from some moment was “wirelessly connected” to the world of machines). Matrix Resurrections to me is simply a return to the source – most scenes happen in the simulation and the city Io is different (less annoying) than Zion. As far as the philosophical side is concerned this movie raises the bar even higher, for example the idea that Neo produces more energy (for the machines) when he is subjected to negative emotions is simply fantastic – looking at our present world it gives me shivers.
Sunday, 19 December 2021
My opinion about chess
In this post I now use the Chesstempo PGN viewer that can be found on this site:
Currently the Chesstempo PGN viewer is the best free online PGN viewer that I know of, but it's not perfect. For some reason it makes the first move by default and I don't know how to turn it off. I added a “null move” at the start, but You have to avoid “taking this move back” because the PGN viewer “gets confused” then and messes up sides. I also don't know how to make the move list window smaller, but there is “a vertical height resize handle” at the bottom, so you can make it smaller (or larger) yourself.
Recently my opinion about chess have improved significantly. I have always known that chess is called “the royal game”, but I didn't like the fact it relies heavily on memorizing things. Now I have learned that chess prevents or at least slows down some mental diseases, for example Alzeimer's disease and other cases of dementia. Interestingly even people suffering from schizophrenia benefit from playing chess – it was an even bigger surprise for me. I learned about it here:
From my own experience I can say that chess:
1. Helps you to handle your own failures/mistakes.
2. Improves your concentration and your time management.
3. Teaches you that some things may be improved just by altering the order of your actions.
Chess is a fascinating game because a relatively small number of rules transforms into a very complex analysis. Moreover there is no “proper strategy” in amateur chess – every player is different and every player can play the way it suits his skills.
One of the best things about chess is the fact that even relatively simple endgame positions can be played in many different ways.
My favourite, by far, endgame is the Lucena position – as the stronger side you can always win it, but you have to know what you are doing.
1. Mate threat.
The losing side makes a mate threat, but after one additional move by the winning side the defending king has only one square to go without being checked on the very next move.
Accessible board description
FEN: 2K5/2P1k3/8/8/8/8/3R4/1r6 w - - 1 2
White pieces
Pawn c7
Rook d2
King c8
Black pieces
Rook b1
King e7
White to move
2. Capture.
It's not quite the Lucena position because the defending rook is on the same file as the attacking pawn, but it shows why the defense in the proper Lucena position is as it is.
Accessible board description
FEN: 2K5/2P1k3/8/8/8/8/3R4/2r5 w - - 1 2
White pieces
Pawn c7
Rook d2
King c8
Black pieces
Rook c1
King e7
White to move
3. Building a bridge.
This is the proper Lucena position – the losing side waits for the attacking king to move and then keeps checking him.
Accessible board description
FEN: 2K5/2P1k3/8/8/8/8/3R4/1r6 w - - 1 2
White pieces
Pawn c7
Rook d2
King c8
Black pieces
Rook b1
King e7
White to move
4. Anti-bridge defense – rook.
The losing side wants to prevent the bridge by using the rook on the crucial rank – it ends up with a bridge anyway, but with a different move order.
Accessible board description
FEN: 2K5/2P1k3/8/8/1r6/8/3R4/8 w - - 1 2
White pieces
Pawn c7
Rook d2
King c8
Black pieces
Rook b4
King e7
White to move
5. Anti-bridge defense – king.
The losing side wants to prevent the bridge by using the king.
Accessible board description
FEN: 2K5/2P1k3/8/8/8/8/3R4/1r6 w - - 1 2
White pieces
Pawn c7
Rook d2
King c8
Black pieces
Rook b1
King e7
White to move
6. Anti-bridge defense – capture.
The losing side hopes that the winning side will recapture with the king instead of with the rook. It could happen in blitz chess with very little time on the clock.
Accessible board description
FEN: 2K5/2P1k3/8/8/8/8/3R4/2r5 w - - 1 2
White pieces
Pawn c7
Rook d2
King c8
Black pieces
Rook c1
King e7
White to move
7. Building a bridge – stalling defense.
I must admit that I missed this variation in my earlier analysis and I wonder if I would see the “obvious answer” with very little time on the clock.
Accessible board description
FEN: 2K5/2P1k3/8/8/8/8/3R4/1r6 w - - 1 2
White pieces
Pawn c7
Rook d2
King c8
Black pieces
Rook b1
King e7
White to move
8. Anti-bridge defense – stalling defense.
Another missed variation in my earlier analysis. It combines three elements: anti-bridge defense with the rook, anti-bridge defense with the king and a stalling move. If the winning side plays the same way as in the previous stalling variation (Re5) it would end up drawing – the losing side would simply take the pawn.
Accessible board description
FEN: 2K5/2P1k3/8/8/1r6/8/3R4/8 w - - 1 2
White pieces
Pawn c7
Rook d2
King c8
Black pieces
Rook b4
King e7
White to move
Below is my own game with the Lucena position. The endgame was started as in the variation 1, but my opponent didn't actually make the mate threat and he (or she) resigned right away. The game is interesting for a whole different reason – it was 94 moves long! I was playing white, so the precise number of single moves was 187. It was a blitz game, but with time increment – the clock was set as 3 minutes + 5 seconds per move and it lasted 17 minutes overall!
The game is a very good example of my playing style and of my personality as well. I played a very quiet and safe opening (the London System – the “boring system” – the “old man’s system”). When my opponent castled queen-side I did the same – he planned an all-out attack on my king, but I didn't let him do it. He got too relaxed and he missed a simple combination that gave me his rook for my knight. Staying in my style I gave back the exchange right away, but for a pawn – I would have to do it sooner or later anyway. Soon after that I managed to win another pawn, but later I messed up the endgame and the position became drawn again. Well, it was drawn with proper defense, but my opponent messed things up himself and we ended up in the Lucena position. A position I knew I would win. Cool feeling.
Accessible board description
FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/3P4/8/PPP1PPPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq d3 0 1
White pieces
Pawn a2
Pawn b2
Pawn c2
Pawn e2
Pawn f2
Pawn g2
Pawn h2
Pawn d4
Bishop c1
Bishop f1
Knight b1
Knight g1
Rook a1
Rook h1
Queen d1
King e1
Black pieces
Pawn a7
Pawn b7
Pawn c7
Pawn d7
Pawn e7
Pawn f7
Pawn g7
Pawn h7
Bishop c8
Bishop f8
Knight b8
Knight g8
Rook a8
Rook h8
Queen d8
King e8
Black to move
PS. To be clear: I am strongly AGAINST teaching chess at schools as an obligatory subject. A game of chess is still just a game – a child can be perfectly fine without chess. There are LOTS of other games that improve concentration, mind abilities and things like that. Promotion of chess is good, but obligation of learning chess is unacceptable to me.
Weird Science – one of the funniest movies I have EVER seen!
The movie Weird Science is extremely funny! I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard while watching a movie, even a comedy sitcom! Many times I literally burst into laughter!
By today’s standards the movie is far from political correctness, which makes it even better. Well, the main female character (named Lisa) is actually the smartest character in the whole movie, but she is also extremely sexy (played by Kelly LeBrock) and she understands why the two nerds created her (they wanted a female). The nerds’ plan is actually NOT realised (except for some kissing), but there are lots of hilarious sexist jokes, for example when the nerds are designing Lisa one of them asks the question: “Should we give her a brain?”. They end up giving her “Einstein’s brain”, so the nerds are actually quite “decent”.
The movie is a TRUE teenage movie about the time when teens (or rather their bodies) are ready for procreation and they subconsciously think only about sex. The movie is one big funny exaggeration of such situations. Please notice that Lisa has some “magic abilities” (thanks to it there are as many hilarious scenes as possible), so the word “TRUE” applies only for the teens’ “state of mind”, not to what is actually happening. As I wrote – it’s one of the funniest movies I have EVER seen!
Lisa takes charge of the whole situation and lots of jokes are actually on the nerds. One of the best scenes in the movie is when Lisa picks up Gary to take him to a party and she talks to his parents. Gary is played by Anthony Michael Hall who is AWESOME in this role!
The movie features also Bill Paxton – one of my favourite actors ever! He plays Chet who is Wyatt’s older brother. He’s also a total asshole and a little crazy, but Paxton is, as always, fantastic! “Here's the bottom line, Wyatt. I'm telling Mom and Dad everything. And I'm even considering making up some shit.”
There is also very young Iron Man, I mean very young Robert Downey Jr. who plays a kind of bully!
Light pollution comparison
The first two videos below are simply spectacular, but it’s the third video that is really mind-blowing! The problem of light pollution is not only about “how many stars you can see”, but it’s also about the life (or death) of many living species on the Earth! Interestingly, it’s also about safety of people, including policemen, but it turns out that very bright night-streets are NOT safer! Though-provoking stuff, really!
Turn the full screen on!
Here I would like to point out something that I have just realized – the maximum star magnitude that you can see with the naked eye in the DARKEST locations on Earth is ONLY 7 or 8! But in my small telescope (70/700 refractor) on a balcony in a city with big light pollution I can see (in good viewing conditions) even stars of magnitude 9! The catch is that the field of view of any telescope is EXTREMELY narrow when compared to the field of view of the naked eye, so the experience is greatly diminished.
Yes, it's fun to see many stars even from the middle of a city with big light pollution (thanks to a telescope), but it doesn't compare to the awesomeness of very dark skies. Obviously when you go out of a city to a place with significantly lower light pollution then the overall number of stars that can be seen in a given observing tool will be MUCH higher, so it's doubly worth it!
Welcome to my blog!
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The most recent posts on this blog
The most recent posts are:
My opinion about chess (19 December 2021)
Weird Science – one of the funniest movies I have EVER seen! (19 December 2021)
Chess is not about intelligence (18 December 2021 - update)
Listen to this! (15 December 2021)
NBA 2022 MVP race – part 1 (28 November 2021)
A constant grin of true happiness (thanks to Ghostbusters: Afterlife) (21 November 2021)
Polish soldiers taking the oath (11 November 2021)
Learning to fly AND land a radio controlled plane with CRRCSim (11 November 2021)
Do you think that modern communism would be much different than this? (9 October 2021)
Respect for Kyrie Irving! (9 October 2021)
The Ultra Vivid Lament – a song-by-song review (3 October 2021 - update)
Most universal types of binoculars (3 October 2021 - update)
Easy astronomy for total amateurs (16 September 2021 - update)
My top 12 favourite posts (on any topic) are:
The Dragon Never Sleeps re-read (Glen Cook's masterpiece)
303 (Polish) Squadron - Battle of Britain diary
My favourite list of Manic Street Preachers songs
Glycemic index makes fools out of people
A man who saved the life of George Washington
Embrace your problems with joy!
Gravity, acceleration, centrifugal force, tides and time
Men's and women's brains
Echoes of the Great Song re-read (David Gemmell's masterpiece)
Peace between people
Difference between an unborn baby and a newborn baby
Beauty of nature
“I'll go barefoot”
Fascinating history of modern astronomy
A reminder
You can find all of my favourite posts under the label “00 – My favourite posts”.